
Visit my LOVE POEM pages,,,,,,
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to give you a view of what the poem is about.

Wonders of Mother Nature
Lonely are the days, when only my thoughts can come alive.
Visions of Love

As the wind softly blows, I can hear my name called The sound of your sweet words, are on each gentle breeze.

True Love
As my lonely days, turn into night, I wonder what you are doing,
Sweet Love Forever

When we first met, our words as friends., but with each day, our words became more,

Our Love
> When I look at the star lite skies, I wonder if you are looking too,
Pure Love

Our Paths crossed for reasons unknown, with just a few words here and there,

Loves Sweet Spirit

How I long for all the days that are yet ahead To feel the desires of your sweet embrace,

Losing My Love"

You came to me as a dream in the night it seemed as if you were in flight

Always and Forever

I am in you and you in me mutual in divine love. ...William Blake

<">New Poem Coming Soon

Essence of Love

The time of our meeting is drawing near, Soon our day of love will come,

A Picture Of Me Without You

Imagine a world where
no music was playing
Then think of a church
with nobody praying
If you've ever looked up at
a sky with no blue
Then you've seen a picture
of me without you

Keeper of the Stars

It was no accident Me finding you....

When You Say Nothing At All


Where ever you are, I'm right there; My Love for you is as solid as a rock. When you look into my eyes, my heart hears.

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