<BGSOUND SRC="/the_mom_3/userfiles:/user/Wonderful.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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Bryanna is 4 years old now.    Bryanna is very strong-willed.  She wants things when she wants them, NOT when you want to give them to her.  And EVERYTHING belongs to her, and don't you dare try to tell her otherwise.  She likes the word "no" alot, and the newest phrase is "It was an accident" and "It wasn't MY fault" , Bryanna is a joy.  She is fun, and can always make me laugh with some of the things that she says.  She really wants a horse, so her plan is to marry a rich farmer and he will give her a horse...LOL
Zachary and Tyler
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Zach is my oldest.  He is 11 yrs old.  He's going through a phase right now, where he thinks he knows everything, I swear he is entering adolescence a bit early.  Reminds me of my rebellious teenage years.  It's about to drive me crazy.  What really worries me about it is that if it's driving me crazy now and he's only 11, what will we both be when he is 16.  Zach really likes school and has many friends.  He is  playing  football this year, and he looks so good in his little uniform.   He is also an excellent big brother to his little sister, I'm having some trouble convincing him to be nice to his little brother though.    Zach has just added girls to the mix.  He has decided that girls are not all that bad.  So now I suppose soon enough they will be calling the house for him
Tyler is 8 yrs old.  He is what I like to call the "quiet instigator".  If you didn't know Tyler, you would never guess that he is the one that starts all the trouble.  He is very sneaky, and will be very convincing.  He has always been that way though, I knew from the time he was born he was going to be one to keep up with.  However, his sister is running him a close second, but she still has much to learn. Tyler is in the second grade this year, and he likes it.  He does think the days are a bit too long though.    Tyler is having a hard time coming to grips with the fact that his brother doesn't want him around all the time.  It's so hard to explain, and he just does not understand.  He will though when his sister wants to hang out with him, and he has other plans.