Torah & Eretz Israel

 This page will show various links to sites relating to Israel & Judaism.

Israeli Links

Arutz 7 News & info on what really is happening in Israel
The Jerusalem Post  Good English Lang. Newspaper in Israel
Dry Bones page Satiric Cartoonist with a finger on the pulse of Israeli
Women in Green Women's movement against the leftwing faction. They have something to say
Media Watch Important group that keeps an eye on the falsehoods and fabrications that pop up in the media over here
IRIS Information Regarding Israel's Security
IMRA Independent Media Review & Analysis
Zo Artzeinu Right Wing Movement for the Land of Israel
Hebron Today What's really Going on in Hebron - a must read
Virtual Jerusalem  Find Almost everything in Israel here
Amana Settlement Movement's home page

 Jewish Links

Yad Vashem  The Center on Holocaust in Israel
Machon Meir Weekly Torah Portion, Machon Meir, Israel
Artscroll The Best Source of translated Jewish writings and books
The Kahane Website Many Articles from the Late Rabbi Kahane
JDL Website Find out what's going on in the USA