September 24, 2000 - UPDATE UPDATE!!! TASHA IS ON THE KIDNEY DONOR LIST!! Tasha tells her story!

Tasha's story in her own words!

I would like to apologize for getting behind in my mail and not keeping my page up as I would have liked to.

Hello. My name is Tasha Apple and I need a kidney. Boy! Has my life changed ever since I got kidney disease. And so has my whole families life. Besides my Mom and Dad, I have seven brothers' and sisters.

I am eleven years old, and live in Martin, South Dakota. I am of the Oglala Lakota Nation, and live next to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

I am in the end stages of renal kidney disease, and am on a peritoneal dialysis machine that I can use at home. I am still waiting for a kidney.

We are a very proud and loving family, us Apples. Our faith is very strong. We have very little money, but we are rich in love and spirit. Please click on the links below to learn more about the Oglala Lakota people. Also, you can see pictures of me and my family, and learn more about peritoneal dialysis, total renal care, and kidney failure.

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September 24, 2000 - I am now going to Rochester, Minn. hospital instead of Denver for my care. I am listed and waiting. The summer has went by so fast. I am back in school and still am on home dialysis. I will be updating my website soon with new photos and stories I would like to share. Please continue to enjoy my homepage. People that want to can still send me cards. Tasha Apple, PO Box 234, Martin, SD 57551. They will be sent on to Tasha. Thank you in advance for your prayers, thoughts, and cards.

Me and my Mom

My Family

Me and my Uncle Leroy

Map of South Dakota.

Lots of games and fun stuff.

Cyberangels. Return with back key.

Prairie Newsletter OnLine. Return with back key.

Play games, tournaments and more. Return with back key.

History of the Lakota (Use browser back key to return here)

Complications of Renal Failure/Kidney Disease (Use browser back key to return here)



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