Welcome to my Guestbook!

Angel Baby - 12/19/00 02:40:53
My URL:http://websiterodeo.250x.com/
My Email:rodeo_mama@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Website Rodeo
How did you find this site: surfing

The Website Rodeo is a brand new website competition and we are looking for people to join us. We have openings for Team Leaders, Rodeo Angels, Rodeo Clowns, Lead Rodeo Clowns, Deputies, Newsletter Editor and Staff, Rustlers and Rustler Leader. If you are interested in having a fun time with us, please come and check us out!! http://websiterodeo.250x.com/. We will be opening 1/31/2001. We hope to see you there.. *S*

Helena - 11/29/00 19:59:03
My URL:/oliviasgarden/
My Email:helenabme@aol.com
Web Site Name: Olivia's Garden
Where are you from: so. cal via N.O.
How did you find this site: my pal

Delwyn, I am happy to visit your site again. I had to see your frames on the xmas page. You did it! Really looks great. Some day, maybe I will try.

Michele - 11/22/00 03:50:49
My URL:http://www.michyland.com
My Email:Michele@maine.maine.edu
Web Site Name: Welcome to Michyland
Where are you from: New Hampshire
How did you find this site: I looked in my bookmarks :)

Hi there! I stopped in to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Your pages are great!! I hope the turkey and pie are perfect!

Grandpa Chuck - 11/20/00 16:52:14
My URL:http://grandpachuck.iscool.net
My Email:grandpachuck@usa.net
Web Site Name: Grandpa Chuck's Web Sites
Where are you from: Michigan
How did you find this site: Grandparents Web Ring

Delwyn, I stopped by for a visit today and couldn't leave without saying, ''Hello!''. Wonderful site you have, I always enjoy my visits here.

Random Acts of Kindness

Digger Shazdraco - 10/01/00 04:31:51
Web Site Name: Women of Strength and Inner Beauty



Wow! What a beautiful site you have! I'd like to invite you to join the Women of Strength & Inner Beauty. I really feel your site would be a true asset to our community, becoming a part of the group gives your site more visitors, friends and fun. Even if you don't wish to join the community we have a webring, awards, free graphics and much more available to members and non-members! I hope to get t know you more, as you sound like a wonderful person.

sean - 09/24/00 07:32:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Terrace/1937/
My Email:seans_70@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: seans page
Where are you from: Australia
How did you find this site: viewing another guest book

Gday you have a lovely site it was a pleasure to view
Angel Poet - 09/19/00 03:15:07
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:thedivineangels@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Divine Angels
Where are you from: Divine Angels


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels internet group. The Divine Angels is an internet group devoted to women. A place where members can find others that share their same problems, stories, and lives. Where we join together to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And of course you are welcome to join our webring if you like. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Lorraine at Prairietree - 09/17/00 21:02:12
My URL:http://prairietree.com/rings
My Email:lorraine@prairietree.com
Web Site Name: Window in the Mountain
Where are you from: North Georgia
How did you find this site: Steel Magnolias

Hi. I am attempting to visit all of my fellow Steel Magnolia sites. We do have an immense amount of talent. You are no exception Delwyn. I found myself so entranced with Halloween pages and must come back for the other sections. I am so glad I know where o find you.

Angel Blue Eyes - 09/16/00 16:10:57
My Email:divineangels@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: divineangels@hotmail.com
Where are you from: where the angels meet
How did you find this site: it was whisperd to me


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels internet group. The Divine Angels is an internet group devoted to women. A place where members can find others that share their same problems, stories, and lives. Where we join together to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And of course you are welcome to join our webring if you like. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Kimberly - 07/28/00 15:21:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/KimberlyTX/home.html
My Email:kimberlyh@angelfire.com
Web Site Name: Kimberly's Place
Where are you from: Arlington, Texas
How did you find this site: Joined the web ring and you signed my guestbook :)

Thank you for signing my guest book! Your page is AWESOME! I'm just learning HTML and it's a blast! My boss at my new job has asked me to be the WebMaster and make a web page for our office. I'm wanting to learn to do graphics and stuff, any suggestions o how I might be able to do that would be great!

Glad ta meet ya!


p.s. thank you for the compliment about my son... he's my angel!

grace is when God gives us what we don't deserve...
mercy is when He doesn't give us what we do deserve!

Jean - 07/27/00 01:35:44
My URL:http://www.troycable.net/~aquarius
My Email:aquarius@troycable.net
Web Site Name: Aquarius
Where are you from: Alabama
How did you find this site: webring

Hi ya Delwyn. I wanted to personally invite you to join our Holidays in Dixie webring. We would love to have you join us if you will. Your site is looking good! hugs, Jean

Shirley - 07/18/00 00:17:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/absolutefood
My Email:absolutefood@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Absolute Food
Where are you from: Living in Maine, but my heart is in Mississippi
How did you find this site: You signed my book

Thank you for stopping by to say Hi. You are so right, I have a marvelous Secret Sis. Southern Women are the best.

Sweetmamapam - 05/07/00 03:01:01
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sweetmamapam/sweet.html
My Email:easley@tecinfo.com
Web Site Name: Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality
Where are you from: Mississippi
How did you find this site: Southern Women

Delwyn...your Mother's Day page is beautfiful...and I love the card. Thanks..and God Bless!! Sweetmamapam

Foxy - 04/08/00 16:34:27
My URL:http://www.graphicsbyfoxy.com/homebiz/ffbiz.html
My Email:homebiz@graphicsbyfoxy.com
Web Site Name: Foxy's Fabulous Opportunities
Where are you from: NB
How did you find this site: Just surfing the net

Howdy, Been browsing your site and having a great ole' time :-) Stop on by this site of mine and see a wonderful opportunity, but that ain't all, there's links at the top of the page to roam around all other places in my domain. Thanks for a nice time and have a wonderful day. Friendly Smiles, Foxy

Ruthann - 03/27/00 04:42:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/forest/1544
My Email:cwmp@gateway.net
Web Site Name: Ruthann's Web Home
Where are you from: Georgia
How did you find this site: My Guestbook

Thank you for your warm welcome to Southern Women and for visiting my website, so kind of you. I have enjoyed your pages and have finally found some classes for PSP, I was so happy to find that information on your site. Thanks again, Ruthann.

Bossladyal - 03/23/00 16:35:50
Where are you from: Al


11/12/99 13:15:51
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Merci pour me laisser signer votre guestbook

Lissa - 09/03/99 18:11:14
My URL:http://www.lissaexplains.com
My Email:xolissaxo@aol.com
Web Site Name: Lissa Explains it All
Where are you from: Florida
How did you find this site: Kid's Rail

Hi Karli! Your page is really cute =)


Jean - 08/17/99 08:33:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~aquariusib
My Email:aquarius@snowhill.com
Web Site Name: Aquarius
Where are you from: Alabama
How did you find this site: Southern Women Ring

You have a wonderful site here, beautiful are and graphic work too. I'm just beginning to learn the graphic stuff. I liked your page very much and will return when I can see more of it. I looked at the Garden, Birds and Alabama sites as well as your home page. Great job. Luv, Jean

MIKE - 07/25/99 10:56:42
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BBC63/index.html
My Email:jmtramm@aol.com
Web Site Name: grammymike's southern pages
Where are you from: alabama
How did you find this site: a friend



Whisper - 07/21/99 20:25:09
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~holbear/
My Email:whisperscorner@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: Whisper's Corner
Where are you from: California

What a wonderful site! :o)

Marion - 07/18/99 18:32:37
My URL:http://www.interlog.com/~davmar
My Email:davmar@interlog.com
Web Site Name: Marion's Page
Where are you from: Ontario
How did you find this site: member of GP Webring

Enjoyed my visit.Bookmarked because I want to visit those birds & garden sites!Illike Carol Higgons Vlark.Love mysteries!!Nice graphics too1UNtil my desk top PC gets back from repairs I'm stuck with Canada Day opener!!So my page isn't up to date.You have peaceful site to view, thank you for sharing.Marion

Bobbie - 07/18/99 07:07:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Inn/2518
My Email:srfern@bcn.net
Web Site Name: The Sugar Shack

I love your page...you always make me feel so at home...just had to let you know too that I think you're pretty terrific!

Nancy - 07/17/99 06:10:27
My URL:/~dreamswishes/
My Email:nancye@pdq.net
Web Site Name: ~Dreams & Wishes by Nancy~
Where are you from: Houston, Texas
How did you find this site: Southern Women

Wanted to stop by and meetyou and see your site.I see we belong to several of the same groups.Wow. You have a really nice site here. glad to meet you

Peg - 07/15/99 02:52:23
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/potpourripeg/index.html
My Email:potpourripeg@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Potpourri Peg
Where are you from: Mississippi living in Maryland
How did you find this site: Southern Sisters

Hi Delwyn, Love your site. I really enjoyed my visit and will return often..Thanks for stopping by and signing my guestbook.Your Alabama page made me think of my Mom..she was from Vernon. May SMILES shower your day. Love ya sis, Peg

Diane - 07/11/99 13:21:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/napavalley/vineyard/6812
My Email:belongtodanny@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: In a Texas Kitchen and More
Where are you from: Texas
How did you find this site: you signed my book :o)

Delwyn, Just wanted to stop by and say thank you bunches for visiting my graphics site and for you kind compliments! You're such a sweetie!!!! Love ya!

MommyAllTheTime - 07/08/99 21:52:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me2/byzantinelinks
Web Site Name: Spiritual Links from a Byzantine
Where are you from: USA
How did you find this site: Recommended

Hello. You're doing a great job on your site... keep up the good work. If you'd like some great links & food for the soul, visit my site. Thanks. Peace.

rhonda - 06/25/99 06:53:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bourbonstreet/delta/1573/index.html
My Email:dixie91869@aol.com
Web Site Name: The Home of Dixie
Where are you from: Lower Alabama
How did you find this site: Southern Women

Delwyn , Thank you for visiting my page ...I hope you enjoyed it ...I really need to work on it but since Isabel came I just havent been able to find the time. YOur pages are GORGEOUS !!! You have some beautiful granddaughters!! Maybe when I get down south we will be able to get together and meet. I would really enjoy that...Love ,RHonda

Sandi - 06/21/99 02:23:25
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland//Oaks/5061/
My Email:sunydz@webtv.net
Web Site Name: Sunshine_n_You
Where are you from: Ohio
How did you find this site: The Rail

Real nice site for sure! I enjoyed my visit and will return! I have a fairly new site created with WebTv. Creating pages is time consuming, and I know you've put a lot of time into yours. Hopefully as time passes I can have a large gorgeous one as yours!! Keep up the good work.

Kimmy Smith - 06/19/99 00:32:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322/
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: Kimmy Smith's Homepage
Where are you from: Louisiana
How did you find this site: link from another guestbook

Trying to get around and visit all the Women of Heartland ring members and sign the guestbooks. Please visit me if you get a chance. You have a lovely site.

Mary Rogers aka DJ - 06/03/99 02:46:23
My URL:http://www.maxpages.com/poetdreams
My Email:WriterDJ@aol.com
Web Site Name: Poetdreams
Where are you from: Mississippi
How did you find this site: Southern sister

you have lovely site. I love hummingbirds they come every year and I miss them so when they leave. I enjoyed you pages. Great work! hugs, DJ

Mawood - 05/27/99 03:01:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/8992
Web Site Name: Mawood's The GrapeVine
Where are you from: Alabama
How did you find this site: Grandparents Web Ring

Lovely pages, I especially like the Alabama page. I have pics of our trips in Alabama on my new Getaway site. (I have a link to it on my Heartland web page.) We have many birds raising families in our backyard. Oh yes, the baby killdeers are soooo cute! e have baby bluebirds, red thrush and little red-headed finches as well. Our favorite is the hummingbirds that come by our feeder every year. Once we had 12 of them and I had to add more feeders because they were always fighting. :-)

Deni - 05/26/99 06:51:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Deni1265/home.html
My Email:Deni1265@aol.com
Web Site Name: Deni's Little Corner of the Web
Where are you from: Alabama
How did you find this site: Taking sneaky lessons from Nettie

Love your site Delwyn! I'm off to explore some more :)

JustmeCC - 05/18/99 02:56:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc/justmecc/
My Email:JustmeCC@prodigy.net
Web Site Name: CC's Cozy Corner
Where are you from: NC
How did you find this site: Southern Women webring

Just checking out some of the "southern women" pages. I loved my visit here.......CC

Sherry holley - 05/12/99 01:07:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/9390/index.html
My Email:dholley@Ameritech.net
Web Site Name: Shery's Place
Where are you from: Illionis
How did you find this site: Southern Sisters

I love your pages, mainly the bird ones. I love to watch them, about this time of year, we get alot of different bird in our yard. Last week we had a killdeer hatching, there were 3 little ones and so cute. You did a great job on all the pages, Thanks so much for sharing

- 05/12/99 01:02:32


- 05/12/99 01:02:31


Nettie - 05/10/99 21:07:12
My URL:http://www.geocities/Heartland/Shores/8818
My Email:arpel@earthlink.net
Web Site Name: Netties
Where are you from: Nawth Carolina
How did you find this site: Sneaky I guess

BEAUTIFUL!!! JUST breathtaking Delwyn!

sweetmjamapam - 05/08/99 09:24:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sweetmamapam/sweet.html
My Email:easley@tecinfo.com
Web Site Name: Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality
Where are you from: Mississippi
How did you find this site: Southern Sisters

Delwyn!! It is $ am in the morning...could not sleep...perfect time to browse the sister's sites!! I find yours to be particularly interesting and I learned more about YOU. You grandaughter is adorable but I only saw pics of one...*S*...also I love birds and my flowers also..I am beginning to be able to identify them as you have...thanks for entertaining me at 4 am in the morn...Southern Hugs...*sweetmamapam*

Lisa - 05/07/99 22:34:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/lokfamily
My Email:peachylok@aol.com
Web Site Name: Growing A Tree from the Branches of My Family
Where are you from: The Peachy State of Georgia
How did you find this site: Southern Women Webring

Loved your page... very calming on the eyes... and the music was *Mahvelous*! Keep up the good work on your genealogy.. and never give up the search, cause when you least expect it.... another piece of the puzzle will fall into place! :-)

Avinash - 05/07/99 10:55:50
My URL:http://avinash.cjb.net
My Email:avinash95@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Avinash's page
Where are you from: India
How did you find this site: Just surfed by

hey there, cool site & nice graphics!!! Anyways keep up the good work & please do visit my site too!!! take care & best of luc!!

Avinash - 05/07/99 10:43:56
My URL:http://avinash.cjb.net
My Email:avinash95@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Avinash's page
Where are you from: India
How did you find this site: Jusr surfin

hey there, cool site & nice graphics!!! Anyways keep up the good work & please do visit my site too!!! take care & best of luc!!

Mary Bear - 05/02/99 21:19:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Oaks/1587
My Email:marybear1@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: The World of Bearlyhere
Where are you from: TX

Your off to a good start. I like your canyon background. reminds me of W.Va. Let me know when you do more.

Betty Pennington - 04/29/99 13:33:50
My URL:http://www.sailwithcruiseplanners.com
My Email:Bpenn911@aol.com
Web Site Name: Cruise Planners
Where are you from: Indianapolis,Indiana
How did you find this site: surfing

Very nice, Thanks for sharing.

mar - 04/27/99 20:23:53
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~m192379/index-3.html
My Email:m2165@webtv.net
Where are you from: Florida
How did you find this site: surfed in

You have a very nice page I enjoyed my visit ome over & visit mine

Dave - 04/27/99 05:05:35
My URL:http://www.webmoments.com/
Web Site Name: Webmoments 'Where Time Stands Still' ™
Where are you from: Arkansas, USA
How did you find this site: guestbook

Real nice site. The bagrounds and bars are real nice.
Nice design, I enjoyed my visit. :o)

Webmoments Logo

Becky Woodruff - 04/21/99 15:54:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/2806/
My Email:beckywoodruff@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Becky's Homepage
Where are you from: Indiana
How did you find this site: Another Guestbook

I just love your page,its just beautiful.Its a inspiration to the rest of us to work a little bit harder on ours. Keep up the great work,contact me anytime. Your Friend,Becky

Becky's Homepage

Trisha M.Ali - 04/20/99 05:35:37
My URL:/Heartland/Oaks/1229
My Email:trishavs025@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Trisha Val's Teahouse
Where are you from: Singapore
How did you find this site: signed guestbook

Hello, I like to thank you for dropping by my homepage and signing my guestbook. I think you have a very lovely site and for someone who's new to creating websites you are really good. Thanks once again!

teahouse banner

Trisha's Kitchen banner

if beauty is your thing visit my other website

Patty - 04/18/99 05:51:01
My URL:/SoHo/Coffeehouse/3403/
My Email:TheLerners6@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: Patty's Place
Where are you from: Illinois
How did you find this site: Women of The Heartland Webring

Hi Delwyn, I stopped by to welcome you to the Women of the Heartland webring, I can see your going to be a fine addition! I enjoyed looking through your pages, Karli & Klay are just adorable!! If your ever in the need of any country graphics for your site, please stop by one of my graphic sites below, Crosstitch Creations is my handmade graphics site and Simply Country is my clipart site, I have over 80 country style background sets...Hope you top by sometime! Patty

Sweetmamapam - 04/17/99 15:27:31
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sweetmamapam/sweet.html
My Email:easley@tecinfo.com
Web Site Name: Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality
Where are you from: Mississippi
How did you find this site: Word of Mouth

Delwyn...I loved your Mother's Day page and from there I discovered your whole site...nice job...enjoyed browsing my Southern Sister's pages....keep up the good work and I will be back again...*sweetmamapam*

Leslie - 04/15/99 11:43:27
My URL:/Heartland/Valley/1462
My Email:dovemom@n-jcenter.com
Web Site Name: Wall Family Tree Homepage
Where are you from: Florida
How did you find this site: Grand Parents Web Ring

Hi Delwyn! I have very much enjoyed my visit here. Your grandchildren are adorable! I know how proud you are. I also very much enjoyed your genealogy pages. I have been working on my husband's Wall line now for about a year and a half and it's very exciting, not to mention, addicting!! Keep up the great work. Stop by and visit up when you get a chance.

Jan - 04/14/99 09:54:41
My URL:/~popshunny
My Email:popshunny@mail.gulf.net
Web Site Name: Our Place
Where are you from: Florida
How did you find this site: SW

Hello Delwyn! I have enjoyed my visit here with you and those beautiful grandchildren this morning. I also have birdfeeders placed so that I can enjoy the many who come to feast..fascinating things, aren't they? Thank you for an enjoyable visit, sis! God bless, Jan SW sister

PamaleeAnn - 04/14/99 02:55:50
My URL:/BourbonStreet/Square/8993
Web Site Name: Spending the Holidays with Pammy
Where are you from: S.C.
How did you find this site: Southern Sisters


I have enjoy my visit with you, you doing great!! Wanted to thank you for taking the time to visit me at my new site
Your Southern Sister

PamaleeAnn aka Pammy

Julie - 04/14/99 00:53:12
Web Site Name: Julie's Home Page
Where are you from: Louisiana
How did you find this site: Southern Women of the Web Webring

My card  
I enjoyed your pages!
Please visit me at  

nettie - 04/12/99 05:38:59
My URL:www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/8818/
My Email:arrpel@earthlink
Where are you from: NorthCarolina
How did you find this site: lucky

I love your page and I absolutly LOVE my new sistah from Alabama. Thanks So much!

Lisa - 04/11/99 12:00:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/fave/index.html
My Email:buccmill@webtv.net
Web Site Name: These Are My Favorite Things
Where are you from: Grand Rapids, MI USA
How did you find this site: onelist

Hi Delwyn, You have a very nice site. We have a lot of things in common. I look forward to getting to know you better through onelist. I'd like to add you to my links page. I'm starting to redo that page. Keep up the wnderful work on your pages. I really njoyed my visit and will return again soon. I'll go now and visit more of your page!

Lisa - 04/11/99 11:59:36
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/fave/index.html
My Email:buccmill@webtv.net
Web Site Name: These Are My Favorite Things
Where are you from: Grand Rapids, MI USA
How did you find this site: onelist

Hi Delwyn, You have a very nice site. We have a lot of things in common. I look forward to getting to know you better through onelist. I'd like to add you to my links page. I'm starting to redo that page. Keep up the wnderful work on your pages. I really njoyed my visit and will return again soon. I'll go now and visit more of your page!

Kachina - 04/09/99 16:28:10
My URL:http://www.controversygrrl.com/family.html
My Email:schoenro@imcnet.net
Web Site Name: Dancing In The Snow
Where are you from: Colorado
How did you find this site: Guestbook

Hello! I love the Gone With The Wind Theme. You have created a lovely web site and I thank you for your well wishes on my health. Prayers are the most cherished. I truly wish your family well.

Kaye Powell - 04/09/99 15:24:58
My URL:http://www.brightok.net/~powell/powellherd
My Email:okkaye@email.com
Web Site Name: The Powell Herd
Where are you from: Oklahoma
How did you find this site: MemoryLoss

Hi! You've done a great job on your web site! I really enjoyed it.

PamaleeAnn - 04/08/99 18:01:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Bluffs/5788
Web Site Name: Backgrounds By PamaleeAnn
Where are you from: S.C.
How did you find this site: returning a visit

Hi bossladyal, thanks for visiting me. Wow I love your floral backgrounds. Your granddaughter is beautiful and it looks like you just had another one. My sister is also a bird watcher. She loves it. A Southern Sister PamaleeAnn aka Pammy

tom horne - 04/08/99 06:31:43
My URL:http://home.att.net/~tomhorne
My Email:tomhorne@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: cybershack
Where are you from: dayton oh
How did you find this site: wind surfin

a nice web site...come and apply for H&H Tutorials award...Tom and Faye

Stacey - 04/07/99 17:11:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/gigglegalzhome
My Email:lredneck@hotmail.com
Web Site Name: My Little World
Where are you from: Mississippi

Hey there..thanx for visiting me..i really enjoyed my visit..the recipes and the geneaology sites really helped........ive been doing my family tree also..:-))

Ceylon - 04/04/99 23:05:31
My URL:http://surf.to/ceylon
My Email:ceylon@email.com
Web Site Name: Ceylon's Louisiana Homepage
Where are you from: Louisiana
How did you find this site: You graciously visited mine

Hi! Wow... you said this was your first attempt at a home page?? You're doing SUPER! Looks fantastic! I wanted to stop by and thank you so much for dropping in on my site and leaving such nice compliments. It's very much appreciated! Feel free to dro by any time! Keep up the great work! Take care, Ceylon

Ceylon's Easter Card

Ceylon's Seal of Approval

Ceylon's Homepage

Ceylon's Graphics Page

Tim Rice - 04/01/99 21:47:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2629/
My Email:timrice@erols.com
Web Site Name: Tim Rice's Homepage: A Pilgrimage Through Life
Where are you from: Perkasie, Pennsylvania, USA
How did you find this site: you signed my guestbook

You have a neat, well-structured homepage here. Thanks for the sharing. And thanks for visiting my homepage and signing my guestbook.

Lou - 03/27/99 14:03:03
My URL:http://www.zoomnet.net/~blgpts
My Email:blgpts@zoomnet.net
Web Site Name: Marriage doing it God's way
Where are you from: Ohio
How did you find this site: webring

great job, great graphics. enjoyed my visit

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 06:11:48

Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald. /a>

Cindy Nason - 03/17/99 15:44:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/1080/index.html
My Email:mswing1000@aol.com
Web Site Name: Days Gone BY
Where are you from: Bristol, RI
How did you find this site: Grandparents Web Ring

Very Nice Page Keep up the good work

Lady Oh - 03/15/99 16:04:58
My URL:http://ladyoh.cjb.net
My Email:Lady_Oh@webtv.net
Web Site Name: Lady Oh's Favorite Gifs And Jpgs
Where are you from: Maine
How did you find this site: Guestbook

I love your site and the links. Will have to look them over carefully, but your set-up is beautiful. Blessings....Lady Oh

Carrie - 03/15/99 03:42:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/picketfence/2030
My Email:mcmcgee@sonet.net
Where are you from: AL
How did you find this site: onelist

Welcome to the Southern Women!! Hope to get to know you better soon!

Fe - 03/15/99 00:40:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/Heartland/Farm/1680/homepage.htm
My Email:foltmann@inwave.com
Web Site Name: Fe's Home Page
Where are you from: Oregon, IL
How did you find this site: Heartland Ring

Hi bossladyal! I loved your graphics and will check out the rest of your site. You have done a great job. I am also new at this web-page designing/writing. It is a lot of fun. I am in the process of redesigning my website. It's fun to see how others have put their pages together. Thanks for stopping by my site and signing my guestbook.

Sandra Pagan - 03/13/99 23:29:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/7231/
My Email:spagan@usit.net
Web Site Name: Sandy's page
Where are you from: Va.
How did you find this site: webring

Karli is a cute one, you did a great job on your web pages. I'm not good but learning everyday, vist my site, and excuse my mistakes please. Keep up the good work, enjoyed my visit.

surfinggranny - 03/13/99 17:07:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/7013
My Email:surfinggranny@webtv.net
Web Site Name: surfinggrannys home page
Where are you from: Indiana
How did you find this site: GPWR

I have so enjoyed your new site. I especially like your birding pages.Pretty backgrounds. Stop by sometime. I have a gift for you...I'll leave a light on for you...Surfinggranny......

Wayne - 03/13/99 13:51:47
My URL:http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne
Web Site Name: Pederson Home Page
Where are you from: Kansas

Sure injoyed your web page and all the links. You have a great looking page. We have a web page also when you have time stop bye and take a look the address is http://homepage.netspaceonline.com/~wayne     if you like want you see tell your friends and al o we just added a Guest Book so Please sign it thank you. Wayne       

  Please Visit Pederson Home Page

ladybee(aka mam) - 03/13/99 04:03:47
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/mam4times
My Email:mam4@netnitco.net
Web Site Name: Mams House of Angels
Where are you from: Indiana
How did you find this site: through the webring

Welcome to our group of grandparents! Your home page is adorable! Please stop by and visit next time your out and about.

Rustyjo - 03/13/99 02:54:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8262/
My Email:rustyg@bright.net
Web Site Name: Chuck & Rustyjo Life in the Slow Lane
Where are you from: Ohio
How did you find this site: Grandparents Webring

Welcome to the Grandparents Webring.You have done a wonderful job on your site.Your sweet Karli is so precious.Our grandchildren's favorite tv shows are Blues Clues and the Rugrats.We have 2 grandsons and 1 granddaughter,ages 3,4,and 5.WE also have 4 chil ren and 8 cats.Never a dull moment.Chuck was in the military and is now in law enforcement.Please visit us when you can and sign our guestbook. Rustyjo

Bonnie - 03/12/99 17:54:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Napa/Valley/7344
Web Site Name: Bonnie's HomePage
Where are you from: BC Canada
How did you find this site: My guestbook

You have a great site and I am now going back to visit your granddaughters page. Bonnie

CountryGal - 03/12/99 15:59:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/5695
My Email:petalsnpearls@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: Petals and Pearls
Where are you from: VA
How did you find this site: you signed my guestbook

Thanks for coming by my page and signing my guestbook..I enjoyed my stay at your page. You have done a great job.

Cyndie - 03/11/99 06:17:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/misscrafts/blondie.htm
My Email:misscrafts@aol.com
Web Site Name: Cyndies Home


MAry - 03/11/99 02:44:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~maryruth1/index.html
My Email:marybear1@yahoo.com
Web Site Name: Bearlyhere's World of Holidays
Where are you from: TX
How did you find this site: Southern Women

Please accept this Rose of Friendship from the Southern Women Webring.

Beve - 03/10/99 13:59:29
My URL:http://beve.cjb.net
My Email:graymo@animail.net
Web Site Name: GorillasGalore & more
Where are you from: Pa.....usa
How did you find this site: grandparents webring

Hi,just visiting & signing grandparents webring members sites.Love backyard birds also.Gardening too.Will return later to really check out your site better.Bye now....

sweetmamapam - 03/10/99 02:31:02
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~sweetmamapam/sweet.html
My Email:easley@tecinfo.com
Web Site Name: Sweetmamapam's Southern Hospitality
Where are you from: Mississippi
How did you find this site: Southern Women Webring

I enjoyed my visit with you and Karli....she is adorable. I am one of the ringmistresses of the Southern Women webring....*sweetmamapam*

toni - 03/09/99 19:01:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tn/tn2
My Email:toniraefish@webtv.net

Thanx for signing my guestbook. I really think yours is so intersting,unclutter as mine, and so pretty...I especially enjoyed your site on Genealogy.

kathy - 03/08/99 18:49:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Resort/2193/
My Email:kayjay@accglobal.net

hello i am having trouble signing your book ,but decided to make one last try.Love all your birds..

Grandpa Chuck - 03/08/99 04:51:18
My URL:http://grandpachuck.iscool.net
My Email:grandpachuck@usa.net

Delwyn, I enjoyed my visit very much. A lot of TLC went into your site and it shows. *smile* Guest Book (((Hugs))), Grandpa Chuck

Gilda - 03/06/99 19:18:33
My URL:http://homepages.infoseek.com/~gilsworld/GilsWorld1.html
My Email:Gbat747637@aol.com

Hi BossLadyAl, I lOve your Home page ite great. Your first time turned out terrific. I had agood time. Please see mine n sign my Guest book. Thank you~!~!Gilda

Karli - 02/21/99 15:52:26

Hi, Nana. We are going to my page to play!!

- 02/17/99 16:24:07


Trey Powell - 02/16/99 04:26:25
My Email:Tpowell@Netnav.com


Trey Powell - 02/16/99 04:25:35
My Email:Tpowell@


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