Hello. I am so glad that you have stopped by for a visit.
Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at ever
trying anything like this, and I am sure it will show!! Among
these pages I hope to have a place where you can break
free from the stresses and worries of today and relax,
...if only for just a little while.

If all goes as planned, I will have a special tribute page
for my husband, as well as introducing you to the rest of
my family. I will also share some of my angels with you. I
am very big into angels and have quite a collection now.

So, please grab yourself a cup of coffee, kick your shoes off,
relax, and enjoy your visit. Please sign the guest book while
you are here, I love to see who all has stopped by.
Thanks, and please stop by again.

Index/Home Page A Touch of Love Forever Angels Forever Angels 2
Forever Angels 3 Forever Angels 4 How Moms Were Made Angel Babies
Friends What I Have Learned A Time To Think Daily Survival Kit
Mean Mothers A Very Phenomenal Photograph Samples & Free Money Coming Soon
Beanie Babies Beanie Babies 2 Coming Soon Coming Soon
Pschedeliscope Awards View My Guest Book Sign My Guest Book...PLEASE!

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Page design and graphics created by:

© by Kimela Meeks ~ 1999

*Something on this page changed on August 05, 2000*

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