DATE  10/21/02
By Rick Preslar
Mom's View on Bush
After spending two weeks with mom I came to realize that she does not like the man called Bush.  I don?t know if she just doesn?t like the name or she doesn?t like his voice.  However, by her own admission she says  if she gets mad at hearing what he says she will quit watching the TV and turn her head to the window.  I guess that is her way of ?shunning? him.  Although I know she can still hear and is listening to what he says and just fuming!
The story follows:
President Bush was on a whirlwind tour of 5 states that weekend.  One of the stops was at the Southwest Missouri Campus to campaign for Jim Talent for Senate.  That in itself presented a couple of problems for mom.  First, President Bush should not be campaigning on a university and second he should be back in Washington running the country not spending his time flying on Air Force One at taxpayers expense campaigning for another Republican!.
So we settle down to watch President Bush.  At first mom is calm. Even in a jolly mood.  You would never know from this picture the changes that would come over her.
The President had not come on the stage yet, mom was just watching, making an occasion comment about the ?invited guests? in the audience and who they really were and why they were invited.
 She was content, eating her crackers?
Then.......he came on stage
As he started talking mom was transfixed, listening to what he had to say.
Then he said something she didn't like or he moved a certain way. " Why"  she says,"  does he want Talent sitting where he is, he keeps on putting his arm up where Talent can't be seen."   Then President Bush made his first blunder of his 35 minute speech, he pronounced Missouri as MISSOURA !!!!
What is wrong with him! mom says, he doesn't even know how Missouri people talk.
 When Bush alluded to the search for terrorists, promising to ";hunt them down, one person at a time." Mom had a lot to say about that also! Then he said
"The other day, a guy named Bin al-Shibh, he popped his head up. He's no longer a problem."  Of course mom had something to say about that also something about what is he think he is doing, hunting rabbits?
Then he made the ULTIMATE BLUNDER.  Not once but FOUR  TMES!!!!!  
He said  GOODER!!!!  
I don?t think you will find it in any transcript of his speech.  Everytime he said GOODER, mom would look at me with her mouth open!
Finally you could tell by the end of the speech she had heard enough.  Her mouth was so tight lipped that she couldn?t even eat her cracker, it was as chad in Florida, just hanging there.
So when you see mom ask her if she feels gooder, I'm sure she will tell you that you sound like a Republican.
President Bush did get the book mom sent to him.
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