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Redcastle Suspected Croatian Community in Victoria Australia - 1850's
The township of Red Castle was predominantly a gold
rush town in the 1850's, and many Croatians who resided in this
town worked in mine claims, hotels, and shops. One particular
gold discovery which was controversial, was discovered by Andrea
Franatovich in1859. This particular gold discovery has
subsequently been recorded as the first payable gold in the
region. This discovery was made at the Balmoral diggings in Red
Castle. However, Franatovich was not the only Croatian who had
claims in Red Castle. Another Croatian Mate Lussich, had a mining
company called Lussic and Co, which was listed on mining company
register. He originally came from the island of Brac.
Subsequently Lussich went on to name one of his claims as
"New Dalmatian Reef Mine". Another prominent resident
of Red Castle formerly from Croatia, was Antonio Geronovich who
owned a hotel called "All Nations Hotel". He remained
in Red Castle until his death, and was buried in the Redcastle
cemetery, After his wifes death she also was buried at the
same cemetery. Geronovich's children were all girls who were
educated at the Redcastle primary school. One of his daughters
married and continued to reside in Red Castle, and sent some of
her children to the same primary school.
Some interesting information about the RedCastle primary school
is as follows:
School no.1655
In November 1873 on allotment in the township of Redcastle
(Population of the district today is 3 ) was set aside for a
school which was built and opened in March 1876 by head teacher
Thomas Sinclair. By 1880 repairs were urgent according to
Chas.E.Baud, who was the head teacher. In 1889 Elizabeth Cheyne
who was the head teacher reported Redcastle as "a mining
town in the last stages of decay" and later unless
transferred, she would have to resign as the hot north dust laden
sands were ruining her eyes. W.P. Shanklin while H.T. in 1891 -
92 thought the school could be worked half time with Greytown
1005. In 1893despite being inconvenient for the 6 students, Helen
Ebleton was instructed to close the school. In the next three
years attempts were made to re - open the school, one suggestion
of working half time with Gobarup 2522, which was agreed to when
supported by Alexandra Peacock.
In July 1896 H.T. W.A. Empey described the school as to be unfit
for use and the residence had been let. In 1898 Di Russell
approved Redcastle being made full time again but it was not
until 1902 that this was done. The teachers during this period
were Francis O'Brien and Edward Fowler followed by A.E. Dehugard
who reported the residence as "filthy bug and infested"
in 1909, J.Ferley applied for a wash house, and in 1911 such was
progress H.M. Christophers applied for wall blackboards. The
school apparently continued until the 1930's The old school was
sold and became part of the residence of R.Hird in Heathcote.
Redcastle State School Circa 1900
Source McIvor a History of the Shire and the township of
Heathcote, J.O. Randell -Begg Family
529 School
In July 1861 the
local board sought approval of the National board for this school
of 40 children being conducted by Miss Julia Payne a young lady
of excellent morals and religious character, of engaging manners
and of patient preserving habits. In December, Mrs.Mann was
appointed School Mistress for the whole day. However in
explaining the low attendance levels, it was stated "boys
will not attend as the Mistress a young person, would not command
attention from our colonial boys." The parents wanted a
Presbyterian school and school master. The
National board refused to endow the school, which then closed.
Education Department of Victoria - Vision and realisation Volume
2 - Files for Redcastle Primary.
is some further interesting information on the process of Andrea
Franatovich applying to have his find in Redcastle recorded as
the first of payable gold found in Redcastle. This was held as a
proceedings, in front of a board, who then took into account all
the information, and then declared the relevant party with the
honour and payment for their discovery
Franatovich - Evidence On the Discovery of A Goldfield
Mr.Andrea Franatovich examined by the board
561 - By the Chairman "Are you a Miner?" I have been a
miner for the last eight or nine years.
562 - Where have you been mining? right throughout the colony.
563 - In various places? In Various places.
564 - Do you claim to be the discoverer of a Goldfield? I do.
565 - When did you discover Redcastle? I discovered Redcastle in
December 1859.
567 - December? In December 1859 I did not know what the ground
might turn out, and I did not apply to the warden.
568 - Were you at that time an alluvial miner or a quartz miner?
A quartz miner.
569 - It was quartz you discovered at Redacastle in December
1859? yes
570 - Was their any person their before you? yes.
571 - How do you make yourself a discoverer if their were people
before you? For a payable Goldfield.
572 - If other people tell this committee that they had
discovered Gold in August 1859, would it not be the case? I did
not see the gold nor was I aware of it.
573 - If they tell the committee that payable gold was discovered
at Redcastle in August 1859, long before you were on the ground,
would it be the case? Not to my Knowledge.
574 - By Mr.Mclellan - Did you know Mr.Clarke, on the Redcastle
575 - At Redcastle on any of the reefs there? I know he had a
reef not payable, he was working before I came to Redacastle but
13 miles to the eastward. It was called Spring Creek, and he
shifted from their to Redcastle, and had a business place there
he used to keep a little bit of a store a country shanty - on the
road, to make the best of his living, and when he had nothing to
do he used to work prospecting.
576 - Did you ever afterwards inform the warden that you had
discovered payable gold there? I did, and that is his
certificate{the witness handed in the same which was read as
31/01/1860 Application made by Andrea Francktovick for increase
prospecting claim on Jones Reef for self and three mates, 200
yards granted applicants brought 34 oz and amalgamated gold
obtained near surface yards 200X80 signed R.W.Horne Warden.
577 - On what date did you get this 31st January 1860? Yes, when
I reported it I got a copy afterwards.
590 - By Mr.Lambert - Have you any witnesses to prove that you
were the first to discover a payable gold field? Yes the place
was nearly nothing when I came there, Mr.Clarke had a business
place, which I could prove by his accounts when I used to buy
things from him.
591 - By the Chairman - The committee have evidence that the
place was discovered in May 1859 and their were three quartz
crushing machines? Everything arose after my discovery.
592 - No, you say you discovered Gold in December 1859 this is in
May 1859? No in May there were no crushing machines, nor anything
else at the place.
593 - Do you know a place called Staffordshire Flat Near
594 - Is that quartz or alluvial? It has been alluvial there was
a little bit of a rush.
595 - Just answer the question, is it quartz or alluvial? Quartz
at the present time.
596 - was Staffordshire Flat discovered before Redcatle? No not
on the reef.
597 - Was it discovered as a Goldfield, do you know when it was
first discovered? I do.
598 - When was it? If I do not mistake in May or June of 1859.
599 - Do you know who discovered it? No, I have been at the place
and Mr.Clarke at the present place was keeping, I believe, a
blacksmith shop.
600 - In may 1859? May or June.
601 - Were there a number of diggers there? About 160 digging
there and nothing payable found afterwards everybody deserted it
and Mr.Clarke came into the locality of Redcastle.
602 - Are you aware that there are diggings all the way from
Staffordshire Flat to Redcastle, that it is all one goldfield? At
603 - What is the distance? 2 or 3 miles.
604 - Are you aware that there was a prospecting claim given out
for Staffordshire Flat? Their might, If I go to the warden and
tell him tomorrow he might give me a prospect claim, if I tell
him I have found gold, at the same as for gold their never has
605 - By Mr.Mclellan - Do you know if Mr.Clarke ever had a
prospecting claim on a reef near Redcastle? Not to my knowledge,
he was working a reef.
606 - At the time you went? Yes, he had a reef, he says he could
get nothing and the best of the claim that he has got is part of
my own claim, my grant for 200 yards.
607 - What he has got now? Yes, and he has been paying for the
last two years 6 or 7 ounces.
608 - Did he come and take it up then after you - Did he leave
the claim he had and come to the one next to you?
609 - Have you got a plan of the district? Yes {the witness
produced and explained same}This we got because we had a dispute
in the court of mines in November last and their {pointing to the
plan} is the signature of his Honour Judge
610 - Was it after you took possession of this claim, that
Mr.Clarke came to this one{pointing to the plan}?The very same
day on the 28th December 1859.
611 - He came exactly on the same day? On the same day.
612 - Were you partners at the time? No I found a specimen the
day before I told him, and the next day he asked me if I would
show him where I found the specimens, and he came with me and my
three mates next morning, and Mr.Clarke took that claim. I had
140 yards and Mr.Clarke said it was too much, and so we took
less, and then we did not report it to the warden because we did
not know that it would turn out, and we did not want to make the
people rush, and we took a ton of quartz which cost us 32lb and
then Mr.Clarke had abandoned his claim and when we
crushed it I told everybody who came, and then someone told
Mr.Clarke to come and take up his claim and he did so.
614 - Who was the party that first had quartz crushed out of
these reefs? Myself.
615 - How long after your crushing did Mr.Clarke's Crushing take
place, was it a week? More than that 5 weeks at least.
616 - 5 weeks before Mr.Clarke crushed any quartz elapsed after
you first crushed yours? Yes.
617 - Before Mr.Clarke took the claim by you where was he
working? I do not know.
618 - Was he working on another Reef in the locality? He might of
been, I'm not sure.
619 - Is their any other payable reefs near there? Now, not then.
620 - Wherever he had been working before he came here, he threw
it up and came to where he is now working? Yes and is working
their to this day.
621 - Have you any statement to make to the committee? Yes, I
wish to state distinctly that when I opened my claim first{My
present claim} Mr.Clarke moved at the same time, and then he
abandoned his claim, then worked a few days then he abandoned it
for a few days, then we had the first crushing and then when he
was told what our claim turned out of the first crushing of
quartz, he came and took possession of the same ground again, and
kept it in full work to this day.
622 - By Mr.Mclellan - How long did he abandon it for after the
first working, a week? More than that very near a fortnight.
623 - By Mr.Lambert - At the time of youre first crushing
at Redcatsle, how many people were at work at Staffordshire Flat?
It seems from the evidence at this enquiry that John Clarke, who
had a hotel at Seymour, did in fact find the first Gold at
Redcatsle, at Staffordshire flat, 3 miles east of the later town,
early in 1859. Many others came, but the whole field was
unpayable until Franktovich discovered the first rich gold.
The first published reports of Redcastle goldfields did not
appear until July 1860 and by September their were 280 men on
what was called" {Balmoral Diggings Staffordshire Flat}.
There was then a crusher and various reefs being worked Clarke
was getting 3 ozs per ton and Antonio{who was without a doubt
Franktovich} was getting 4ozs 7dwts per ton.
||Croatians Naturalized in Victoria Australia from 1855||
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In the coming weeks more information about Redcastle and other Croatians will be posted on this site. So keep watching this site for exiting Australian Croatian Genealogical and Historical Facts, Presented by ...
"The Australian Croatian Genealogical and Historical Society"
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