Vincent Gercovich (
Vinko Gerkovic) Unfortunately not
many books or documents have been
published about the
history of
Croatian immigration to
Australia, subsequently depriving
today's Australian's
of their early
ancestors in this conutry.
As a result many people who, have
"interesting" surnames
i.e. Croatian
sounding surnames
can only speculate about the
origins ot their ancestors who
unfortunately, in
most cases left
few if any "helpful"
documents of any kind which could
shed some light on
these "family
tree" mysteries.
However one particular family
that has, over the course of 150
years become
assimilated into the
"Australian way of
life" is about to embark on
a journey
"back to the
future".Since discovering
their respective
"Australian" lives but
now fully
aware of their
distinct Croatian origins.

An early portrait
of Vincent Gercovich ( Vinko
Gerkovic) and his wife
Winifred Rebecca
surrounded by their large
family.circa 1880
We're talking
here about the many descendants
or better said, great great
grandchildren of
Vincent Gercovich (Vinko
Gerkovic) who is believed to be
the first Croatian
immigrant to
Ballarat Victoria Australia and
possibly one of the first
Croatian settlers to
The interesting story of Vinko
Gerkovic, who arrived in ballarat
approximately around 1848
where he joined thousands of
other miners during the legendary
Rush"days, in Ballarat
Victoria Australia.
The first clue as to who Vinko
was came from the diary entries
of Vinko's
grandson Stephen Gercovich from
St.Andrews in Victoria Australia
wrote the following:

Mr & Mrs
Stephen & Gaye Gercovich
1998 St Andrews Victoria.
The family of
Vincent (Vinko) Gercovich first
came to Victoria from Dalmatia
around 1848 to
1850.Not long after that, the
then 16 year - year - old Vinko
arrived in
ballarat hunting fro
gold.His father Nikola gerkovic
was a sailor and his mother was
called Vitale
Working in all types of jobs,
Vinko lived in Ballarat Australia
until the 13th of
February 1867
when at the age of 28, he married
15 year old Winifred Rebecca
was born on
8/3/1852 on the ship
"Success" which was
Australian bound from
It is interestinfg to note that
Vinko and Winifred were married
in the St.Alipius
church in
Ballarat, the same church that is
used by the Croatian congregation
today to
celebrate mass
held by local Croatian Parish
Priest rev.Stjepan Gnjec.

At the time of
his wedding ,Vinko was working as
a woodcutter while
Rebecca worked as a
Later, they were to become
parents to a total of 13 children
( of which one
child died when it
was only 15 months old).Their
children were:
Lucretia Ursula born 1867 reg no.
17861 in Ross Creek Victoria
Emma Ursula born 1869 reg
no.11693 in Ross Creek Victoria.
Rosa Gerotama 1871 reg no.12321
in Ross Creek Victoria.
Nicholas David Charles 1873 reg
no.27148 in Smythesdale Victoria.
Lydia Angelina 1874 reg no.25932
in Smythesdale Victoria.
Ernest William Henry 1877 reg
no.11697 in Smythesdale Victoria.
Albert Edward 1879 reg no.25917
in Smythesdale Victoria.
Arthur Joseph 1879 reg no.25918
in Smythesdale Victoria.
Alfred Theodore 1881 reg no.26252
in Smythesdale Victoria.
Walter Webar 1884 reg no.05612 in
Smythesdale Victoria.
Victor Reginald 1885 reg no.
28919 in Smytesdale Victoria.
Leo Milliard Septimus 1888 reg
no.15661 in Smythedale Victoria.

Albert Edward
Gercovich taken in Smythesdale
Victoria Australia just before
his death.
Naturally none of
these children are alive today
but they have left behind a
large number of
Vinko worked in the mines first
and later operated the
Smythesdale toll gate
and was given
this job as he was talented in
speaking several languages

Gercovich's (Vinko Gerkovic)
Australian Naturalization
Vinko Gercovich
died in Ballarat on the 7th
August, 1900 at the age of 61,
while his sife
Winifred Rebecca died in 1928 at
the ripe old age of 76

Gercovich's ( Vinko Gerkovic)
Death Certificate clearly shows
was born in
Going on the
details of this diary entry about
the roots of Vinko Gercovich
and from the
photocopies obtained of his
marriage certificate and
citizenship papers,Vinko
was born in
Citta Vechia (which today is
Stari Grad on the Island of HVAR
in Dalmatia in
The Republic of
Croatia according to Andrees
world atlas of 1912 map 112) in
which was under
Austro - Hungarian ocupation at
the time. It's quite possible
that Vinko's
ancestors were
from a small village called
Nerezina because the surname
Gerkovic was
prevalent amongst
the local folk there (according
to the Croatian Lexicon of Names
Compiled in
1948, in Zagreb
