1. John2 Hillis (Samuel1) was born circa 1758 in NC, and died 20 Jul 1836 in Scott Co., Ky. He married XXX Unknown.
Notes for John Hillis:
1820 US Census, Scott Co., KY has a John S. HILES born (before 1776)
with 2 sons born (1810-1820)
Sarah Jobe was mentioned as wife of John per Garth and Jen Ritchie
John Hillis was a Revolutionary War soldier. He enlisted
as a resident of Frederick Co., Virginia. After the war he lived
in North Carolina. He later moved to Scott Co., Kentucky where he
applied for his Revolutionary War pension:
HILES, JOHN S.31125 Virginia
The above named soldier was living in the county of Scott, state
of Kentucky, when he applied for pension on the date of August 20, 1832.
He enlisted in the county of Frederick, state of Virginia in 1781.
He died July 20, 1936. Affidavit of fellow soldier who served with
him, his brother, by the name of Palser (?) Hiles was made in the county
of Scott, state of Kentucky, date of August 24, 1832 at the age of 70 years.
No other data given.
These lists are all the pensioners under the Act of March 18, 1818
and the Act of June 7, 1832. The first date is when the individual was
placed on the pension rolls; the second when the pension began. Age, if
shown, would be age at time of application (for the act of 1818).
ANDERSON, Hezekiah to HILES, Catherine, 1/12/1900, MAY
Scott County, KY
The first record of a meeting of the Session
of Beard Church was held on August 26, 1834. . . . The first
statistical report found shows forty-nine communicants in 1852 and forty-two
in 1855. . . . The cemetery on the hill back of the church contains
graves of many former members, a number of whom have descendants who are
members of the church today.
Surnames listed in the Beard Cemetery at Davis
Adams, Anderson, Annis, Antle, Arnold, Bailey, Baird, Barnes, Bates,
Beard, Blanton, Bryant, Burgess, Carr, Case, Caswell, Chaney, Cheek, Chipley,
Coleman, Cook, Courtney, Craig, Creighton, Crosthwait/Crosthwaite, Crupper,
Curtis, Dailey, Davis, Dawson, Dryden, Duncan, Dunn, Dutton, Eads, Evans,
Feeback, Fields, Fightmaster, Fish, Fryman, Fuller, Giles, Gillespie, Ginn,
Hamilton, Hatton, Havicus, Hedger, Henderson, HILES, Hillard, Hiten, Houston,
Hughes, Jenkins, Jones
STAFFORDJane Brumitt Wed Nov 20 05:51:55 1996
The surname I am researching is Stafford. Information I have
says that James Stafford was born in Scott Co. KY., I do not have a date.
I do have a date for his son, Simeon Stafford, June 16, 1800. I have
been told there is a book entitled "The History of the Stafford Family"
written by Hattie Stafford in 1936. Does anyone have knowledge of
this family or this book? I would like to see a copy of this book.
James was married to Mary Leech. Simeon was married to Nancy HILES.
Scott Co., Ky
Notes for XXX:
Wife ??Sarah Pope
Children of John Hillis and XXX are:
+ 2 i. Isabel3 Hillis, born 27 Nov 1778 in NC; died 2 Oct 1872.
+ 3 ii. James Hillis, born circa 1781 in North Carolina; died 1858
in Van Buren Co., TN.
+ 4 iii. Isaac Hillis, Sr., born 30 Oct 1787 in KY/NC; died 10 Mar
1876 in Van Buren Co., TN.
Generation No. 2
2. Isabel3 Hillis (John2, Samuel1) was born 27 Nov 1778 in NC, and died 2 Oct 1872. She married William Boyd1 1799 in Clark Co., KY, son of William Boyd and Mary.
More About Isabel Hillis:
Fact 1: Came to the Rocky River area about 1806
Fact 2: Buried: Phronie Boyd Cemetery, Van Buren Co., Tennessee
Notes for William Boyd:
More About William Boyd:
More About Jane Boyd:
9 v. Ann Boyd, born Mar 1816; died 19 Apr 18523.
More About Ann Boyd:
3. James3 Hillis (John2, Samuel1)4 was born circa 1781 in
North Carolina, and died 1858 in Van Buren Co., TN. He married (1)
Mary Naylor circa 1807, daughter of Dixon Naylor, Sr.. He married
(2) Mary Boyd circa 1811, daughter of XXXXX Boyd and XXX.
Notes for James Hillis:
Hillis, James Capt. 8 Jan. 1813
Hillis, James Capt. 8 Nov. 1814
1836 Warren County Tax List, Dist 2, James Hillis' heirs, 100 acres
(This raises some questions. Who is this James Hillis?)
Notes for Mary Naylor:
Notes for Mary Boyd:
More About James Hillis:
+ 14 iii. Mary Hillis, born May 1815; died 21 Jul 1833 in aged 20y,
2m, 20d.
More About William W. Hillis:
+ 19 viii. Isabel "Ibby" Hillis, born 1828; died Bef. 1861.
4. Isaac3 Hillis, Sr. (John2, Samuel1)7 was born 30 Oct
1787 in KY/NC, and died 10 Mar 1876 in Van Buren Co., TN. He married
(1) Rebecca Naylor8 circa 1803 in probably KY, daughter of Dixon Naylor,
Sr.. He married (2) Nancy Jane Logue Aft. 18379.
Notes for Isaac Hillis, Sr.:
More About Isaac Hillis, Sr.:
Notes for Rebecca Naylor:
NAILOR, Isaac, Pvt., VA Line; 12 July 1819; 28 May 1818; $96; age 70,
More About Rebecca Naylor:
More About Nancy Jane Logue:
Notes for Stephen Hillis:
More About Stephen Hillis:
Notes for Sarah Naylor:
+ 29 vii. Esquire Hillis, born 24 Mar 1832; died 21 Jun 1907.
More About Rebecca Hillis:
39 xvii. Robert Hillis15, born Unknown; died Unknown.
Notes for Robert Hillis:
40 xviii. UnNamed Infant15, born Unknown15; died WFT Est. 1812-191415.
More About Parazada Hillis:
+ 46 vi. Blackstone Oregon Hillis, born 12 Mar 1854 in TN; died 24 Jan
Posted by Debbie Reynolds
Looking for more information on William BOYD and Isabel HILLIS who
were married in Clark co.,KY in 1799. Later had son Robert BOYD born
1802 in Tenn. Also any info on Jackson ELKINS born 1820/3 in
KY. or his wife Lucinda HOOD/HINSON born 1825/9 in KY.
Fact 1: Buried Old Rocky Cem., Van Buren Co., TN
Fact 2: Died aged 58 y, 6 m, 9 d
Children of Isabel Hillis and William Boyd are:
+ 5 i. William4 Boyd, Jr., born circa 1800; died Unknown.
+ 6 ii. James H. Boyd, born 5 Apr 1803; died 16 Apr 1858 in aged 55y,
+ 7 iii. Robert Boyd, born Feb 1806; died 2 Dec 1837 in aged 29y, 10m,
8 iv. Jane Boyd, born Nov 1811; died 15 Aug 18362.
Fact 1: Buried Old Rocky Cem., Van Buren Co., TN
Fact 1: Buried Old Rocky Cem., Van Buren Co., TN
Warren County, TN Deed Book A, p. 450, 24 Jan 1816, John Overturf to
James Hillis, both of Warren County, for $500.00, 70 acres on the head
of Rockey River...the corner between John Overturf and William Boyd.
Reg. 13 Dec 1817. (From WARREN COUNTY, TENNESSEE DEED BOOK A (1808-1818)
abstracted and compiled by Betty Moore Majors.)
Warren County Tennessee Soldiers From Commissions of Officers in the Tenn. Militia 1796-815-29th Regiment
JOHN2 OVERTURF (MARTIN1 OVERURF(?)) was born 1795, and died
October 07,
1854 in Benton, Franklin County, Illinois. He married JANE RAE
July 24, 1814
in Warren County, Tennessee.
1820 US Census, Warren Co., TN. HILLIS, James (1776-1794)
1830 US Census,
Warren County, TN
Applicant Entry No.
Date Survey Book Page Acres
Hillis, James
291 1824 1825 1 129 30
James 1884 1826
1829 2 179 25
3349 1834 1834 2 341 30
4511 1837 1838 3 331 640
4512 1837 1838 3 332 640
3493 1832 1849 4 87
1836 Warren County Tax List, Dist 1, James Hillis, 209 acres
1838 Warren County Tax List, Dist 1, James Hillis, Sr., 209 acres
1840 US Census, Warren Co., TN, HILLIS, James
1850 US Census, Van Buren Co., TN. District VIII, Household 359.
HILLIS, James, 69, farmer, $2000, NC, Mary, 60, NC, Sarah, 35, TN, Robert,
19, farmer, Eliza, 15, Amanda, 9; ELLIS, William, 21, TN.
I am not sure if Mary Boyd or Mary Naylor was James Hillis' first wife.
Annie Jennie Hamrick Farless stated to Ladye Jane Hunter in 1985 on
a trip to Eureka Cemetery that Naylors were buried in Eureka Cemetery,
Warren Co., TN.
I am not sure if Mary Boyd or Mary Naylor was James Hillis' first wife.
Children of James Hillis and Mary Naylor are:
+ 10 i. Isaac4 Hillis, born 22 Jan 1808 in TN; died 28 Sep 1877 in
Warren Co., TN.
+ 11 ii. Richard Dixon Hillis, born 1809; died 1897.
Children of James Hillis and Mary Boyd are:
+ 12 i. Sarah4 Hillis, born 1811; died circa 1865.
13 ii. James Hillis5, born 29 Mar 1813; died 8 Feb 1816.
Fact 1: Buried Old Rocky Cem., Warren Co., TN
+ 15 iv. Archibald Hillis, born 1818; died 1887.
+ 16 v. Anna Hillis, born 11 Apr 1819; died 9 Oct 1854 in Madison Co.,
+ 17 vi. Oliver Hillis, born 1823 in TN; died 1897.
18 vii. William W. Hillis6, born 15 Jan 1825; died 15 Oct 1848.
Fact 1: Never Married
Fact 2: Buried: Old Rocky Cemetery, Warren Co., Tennessee
+ 20 ix. Robert Hillis, born circa 1830 in TN; died circa 1885.
+ 21 x. Elizabeth Hillis, born 31 Oct 1831; died 18 Feb 1915.
+ 22 xi. Eliza Hillis, born 18 Feb 1835 in TN; died 14 Feb 1908.
1820 US Census, Warren Co., TN. HILLIS, Isaac (1776-1794)
1830 US Census, Warren Co., TN. HILLIS, Isaac
1836 Warren County Tax List, Dist 1, Isaac Hillis, Sr., 86 acres
1838 Warren County Tax List, Dist 1, Isaac Hillis, Sr., 86 acres
1840 US Census, Warren Co., TN, p. 336, HILLIS, Isaac
Fact 1: Came to the Rocky River area about 1806
Fact 2: Buried: Blackstone Cemetery, Van Buren Co., Tennessee
SCOTT COUNTY: Hiles, John, Pvt VA militia; 5 Oct 1832; $20; age
Fact 1: Buried: Old Rocky Cemetery
Fact 1: Isabelle Hillis' Daughter-In-Law
Children of Isaac Hillis and Rebecca Naylor are:
+ 23 i. Nancy4 Hillis, born Jul 1804; died 10 Aug 1856 in aged 52y,
+ 24 ii. Isaac Hillis, Jr., born 1 Dec 1810 in TN; died 4 Dec 1878.
+ 25 iii. Dixon Naylor "Dickie Worker" Hillis, born circa 1811 in TN;
died Unknown.
+ 26 iv. James H. "Big Foot" Hillis, born 28 Aug 1823; died 28 Feb
+ 27 v. Roswell Hillis, born 15 Mar 1825; died 21 Aug 1898.
28 vi. Stephen Hillis10,11, born circa 1830 in TN; died Unknown.
He married Sarah Naylor.
(Check 1850 US Census, Murray Co. GA)
Fact 1: 1898, Farmer, living in Texas12
(I have Sarah Naylor Hillis as dau of Dixon Naylor Hillis, Jr. and
Nancy Neal, dau of Wm R. and Hannah Jones Neal, Sr., but I don't get this
to fit in. I previously had Sarah Naylor as a Naylor, not a Hillis.)
30 viii. Ann Hillis, born circa 1836.
+ 31 ix. Mary "Polly" Hillis, born circa 1844.
32 x. Clayborn Hillis13, born Unknown.
33 xi. George Hillis13, born Unknown; died Unknown.
34 xii. John Hillis, born Unknown; died Unknown. He married
Nancy McPherson.
35 xiii. Levander Hillis13, born Unknown; died Unknown.
36 xiv. Levina Hillis, born Unknown1313. She married Adrian
37 xv. Lodemia Hillis13, born Unknown; died Unknown. She
married William Norton.
38 xvi. Rebecca Hillis13, born Unknown13; died Unknown13.
She married Christopher Hager.
Fact 1: 1898, Widowed, living in McLennon Co., TX14
Possibly killed during Civil War
Children of Isaac Hillis and Nancy Logue are:
+ 41 i. Lawson H.4 Hillis, born 27 Feb 1841; died 24 Nov 1921.
+ 42 ii. Woodson P. Hillis, born 27 Aug 1844 in TN; died 1 Jan 1916.
+ 43 iii. Lodemy Hillis, born circa 1845.
+ 44 iv. Virginia Hillis, born 10 Sep 1847; died 4 Aug 1925.
45 v. Parazada Hillis15, born 2 Dec 1849 in Van Buren Co., TN15,16;
died 6 Aug 1870 in Van Buren Co., TN17. She married Gideon J.P "Pillow"
Neal18 Unknown.
Fact 1: Buried Neal Cem. on Rocky River, two miles ast of Crain Hill