Fanfare Newsletter
Dear Quilters:
I hope you enjoyed the program at the Huntsville Hilton in September as much as I did! Thank you Mary Penton for providing such a wonderful evening!
October is going to be a fun and exciting month. Quilt Show, Quilt Bees, Quilt Picnic, Quilt Market and Show in Houston, Quilt Guild meeting, and the list just goes on....... Cathy Scovill has planned one of the most innovative programs our Guild has ever had. I can't wait until Guild night. Rumor has it that someone in the guild has a Digital Camera and is bringing it to the meeting. One of you may end up on the front page of our newsletter next month.
Quilt long and prosper!

A big round of applause goes to Cathy Scovill for the hard work on the October guild meeting. It was fun and very informative. Thanks also goes to Computer Renaissance for their help and computers. Great Job!

November 18,1999 Brenda Papadakis
Brenda is going to be with us for this meeting and will also hold a workshop featuring her "Dear Jane" quilts. This ought to be lots of fun! Come and bring a quilt buddy!

Always remember to bring (on regular meeting times!)
Name tags
Show and Tell
Secret Pal Gifts
Secret Pal Thank You's
Baby Blocks
Donations for Raffle
Community Affairs Quilts or Fabric/Batting donations

Fanfare is published monthly by the Heritage Quilters of
Huntsville, P.O. Box 14382, Huntsville, Alabama 35815-0382. A
subscription is free to
members of HQH.
Deadline for Submission to the November Newsletter is
Oct. 30th. We invite your comments. Send news items, inquires,
and suggestions to Diana Hofmann, Editor. Email address is Catlady846@aol.comwith the information. You can leave submissions in the "fish bowl" at each monthly meeting. You should also contact Diana regarding problems with the newsletter delivery or mailing list.