I am so excited! We have our first Comfy Quilt donations! Thanks Ladies! The quilts are so cute and will make a child very happy! We are going to make our large first Donation to the Police Department during the December meeting. There is still time to get busy!
Special Announcement!!!
Terry Owen has graciously donated her time and talent to Quilting the "1st" seven quilts donatated to the Project. Call or see Terry at the Guild meetings. She asks you to please provide the top, backing and the batting. She will do the quilting for you! Thanks a million Terry! YOU GO GIRL!!!We will be needing some donations from you:
Quilts (pattern is at the bottom of this page)
Zip-lock bags (1 or 2 gallon)
Batting (crib size)
Fabric (can be some from your stash)
Time (about 2 hours per quilt)
We have been blessed with 14 bolts of Fabric as a Donation by Mary Penton from Lydia's. What a blessing that day was!!!! The fabrics are going to be at the Senior Center when you want to come to a Quilting Bee day and help work on them. The Fabrics are all "kiddie prints" and will be soooo cute when turned into the quilts. Thanks Mary for getting us started with a huge "BANG"!!!!!!!
If anyone else wants to donate fabrics, batting or the other supplies needed---feel free to do so. You can make a donation of these items, instead of actually making one.
Reminder! You do not have to use this pattern. You can make any crib-sized quilt you want to! This is just a fast and easy pattern. We need any one we can get for these kids!
Crib Size
Strips are 2 1/2"
Blocks measure 6 1/2"
Border strips are 5 1/2"
This pattern is a quick and easy one. Should not take more than a couple of hours to make. They can be tied, machine or hand quilted. It depends on how much time you want to take with the quilt.
I want to thank the Membership in advance for the Quilts. I know our Love of Quilting and Hearts will be shared thru this new project.
Click on the Cat and ask any questions you want! Let me know what you think!
Kat Norman