The 1999-2000 Board and Committee Members


Board Members


President---- Janet Worley

1st Vice President---- Pat Kyser

2nd V.P. and Retreat----- Cathy Scovill

Secretary---- Lois Sartain

Treasurer---- Brenda Willis


Committe Chairs


Events----- Anne Brasseale

Community Affairs and WebMaster----- Kat Norman

Hospitality----- June Wilson

Library----- Diane Crankshaw

Membership and Guild Picnic----- Kim Martin

Newsletter----- Diana Hofmann

Publicity----- Marietta Lemieux

Bee Keeper----- Nina Antonison

Secret Pal----- Lisa Marshall

Workshops-----Jo Reid

Cruise Director-----Paula Newquist


Please give these Ladies who volunteer their time to make our Guild the Best in North Alabama, your full support this year. They are going to try some new fresh ideas and help make this Guild stitch into the new century.

The Board is voted in every August and will serve for one year. Board meetings are open to the Membership. They meet the following Thursday after Membership meetings at the Municipal IceComplex on Leeman Ferry Road. The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. Any Member is welcome to attend.

The next Board Meeting will be at the Wilcoxon Municipal Ice Complex on the 23rd of September. Time will be at 6:30 p.m. Remember any member is welcome to attend.

New Board Business

WE will limit the Raffle to 6 gifts per meeting and 1 Nametag gift.

We will find someone to take the responsibilities of Property Manager. A complete inventory will be made of all Guild property---including the Quilt Show property. (Nina Antonison has accepted the position for the time being.)

A single Guild Member who presents an entire program for a month will be paid $50.00. Should they decline the payment they will be given a membership renewal for the following year. If more than one member works together to present a Group Program, the guild will treat them to Dinner the night of the Meeting.

"That Patchwork Place" is no longer giving away free books to Guilds for the Library. We plan to fund the purchase of one best selling book each month with Guild Money. Members should feel free to contact Diane Crankshaw, Librarian; and make suggestions.

We will hold the October Picnic. Future Picnics will be decided with the outcome/participation generated by this first one.

We clarified the definition of "Charter Membership". In that, one cannot loose their charter if they fail to renew for one time. Once a member is a Charter member, they will always be a Charter Member. A Charter Member is one who joined and paid dues on or prior to 12/31/87.

Logo Contest was approved.

Purchase of Newsletter Labels approved.

Dropping Show and Tell from the Newsletter and adding it to the Web Site was approved.

Selling Advertising spaces in the Newsletter was approved. $50.00 for 6 months.

Paula Newquist, Cruise Director; will look into putting together a Bus Trip (ROAD TRIP) to AQS 2000 in Nashville, TN.