Calumet Warriors

Class of 86 Reunion

This is the most current list (updated 8-17-00) of MISSING classmates. If anyone knows the address, phone number, or e-mail please email me at . Lets make sure that everyone from the Class of 1986 knows about the reunion!


Diana Lynn Barricks---Neariah Blackwell--- Alexander Thomas Bodo--- Michelle Burns--- April Annette Carman

John Phillip Charles---Kimberly Denise Copeland---James F. Cory---Dianna Davis---William A. Donaldson---

Marlon Warren Estrada---William Joseph Evans---Guy Wayne Farrar---Diane Renee Flores---

Jeffery John Forrester---Morris Dwight Fowler---Larry W. Fox---Chris E. Glasgow---Ricardo Gonzalez---

Greg Grongiewicz---William Ricardo Guiterrez---Michelle Harper---Donna Jean Harris---

Donna Jo Hartman---Shayne Eric Haynes---Terri Lee Hicks---Sherrie Ann Jacobsen---Robyn A Johns---

Elizabeth Lou Johnson---Kenneth Jones---Glenn Charles Kessler---Curt Andrew Kinder---

Robert James Larkin---Christine Renee Lear---Robert Leon---Steven Randall Long---Jimmy Lopez---

Thomas Calvillo Luna---Darryl McGrew---Anthony Douglas Martin---Dana Lynn Mayes---

Angela Kay Miller---Laura Jo Renee Mitchell---Simmuel Lamont Mobley---Vintress Lineal Mobley---

Ed Morales---Bruce Edward Morgan---Tony Alan Moser---Lisa Kay Moss---

Vicky Renee Navejar---Richard N Ooms---Christina Ornelas---Anthony Richard Petersen---

Michelle Renee Pleasant--- Mark Edward Pool---Susan Annette Prachett---David Quinones---Jaime Ramos---

Paula Michelle Rhodes---Rhonda Gail Rhodes---Thomas Dewey Rhodes---David John Roark---

Denise Marie Ryan---Paul Douglas Sandoval---Trevor Wesley Selmer---John Michael Timothy Skomac---

Jeffrey David Slaughter---Deonne Nicole Smith---Martha J Smith---Steven Anthony Stephanuik---

Don Euguene Stewart---Jerry Stewart--- Steve Edward Stone---Mark Evan Stooksbury---

Troy Allen Thomas---Debra K Thompson---Elaine Lee Turlo---Paul Allen Van Curen---Timothy Dale Vice---

Juan Antonio Villarreal---Clinton Torres Webster---Ronald Ray White--- Robert K Whittaker---

Annette Darlene Williams---Clifford Ray Williams---Kimberly R Wlodarski






