Welcome to my Guestbook! |
Valerie Mertens - 01/08/00 15:03:15 My Email:mertensvalerie@hotmail.com |
Comments: Hey Manu, Van harte gefeliciteerd met je eigen site. Via Alta Vista is het makkelijk te vinden. Zeg, als je eens tijd hebt mag ook zo eens een site maken voor de basket. Maar ja, wanneer heb jij eens tijd over met twee drukke zonen thuis, een vrouw en een drukke baan en dan nog eens BC Ternat. Ik kan toch maar proberen, je weet maar nooit. Ik ga mijn berichtje nu afronden. Hou je goed en tot één van dezer dagen!! En doe de groetjes aan Dominique en de kinderen. Groetjes, Valerie. |
scootbelgium - 12/24/99 15:18:21 |
Comments: com'on, time for some changes here! hustle bro !! |
- 12/19/99 16:16:08 |
Comments: |
scoot - 07/09/99 15:54:11 |
Comments: just looking.... |
- 06/23/99 16:20:20 |
Comments: wow! your site sure has had a lot of traffic since I was last here! Hope things are all going well for you in Belgium! Take care Manoe! |
sue - 05/11/99 15:01:31 |
Comments: Hi Manu! thought for sure the next page would be done by now.... have you given up on it? :)Sue |
Sir Timothy R Morrow and the Lady Susan. - 04/25/99 00:22:17 My Email:simtue@msn.com.palace |
Comments: Hey buddy great story.great pics..can't wait for more. oh one more thing..WHIDBEY Island..LOLLOL. Good day young chap....Sir Timothy & Lady Susan. |
Sue - 04/24/99 22:41:48 My Email:you know it! :) |
Comments: WOW! Great page manu! Great story! As I was reading, it felt as if I was there! (lol) Anyhow, It was a great time, and I enjoyed the page... was well worth the wait! :) |
scoot - 04/24/99 14:12:55 |
Comments: just ne kier keiken wie dat er al instoat! en oan't wachte op page 8 ! |
Sue - 04/16/99 21:18:06 My Email:simtue@msn.com |
Comments: Hi Manoe!! when will you update your page with some pics from your NBA adventure?? We can't wait to see the pics you took... the games were AWESOME, and many thanks for including us in your dream! :) |
me :) - 03/17/99 22:35:45 |
Comments: looks good! very entertaining and delightful! |
bro - 03/15/99 22:19:31 |
Comments: here's a bro and a site to be really proud of! woohoo! this will get you in my site as cool links for sure! (when i will add links that is....)seems it was worth it staying up till 5 am for about 2 weeks !Gooooooooood job bro! |
- 03/15/99 22:10:06 |
Comments: |
Sue - 03/07/99 19:37:43 My Email:simtue@msn.com |
Comments: Wow Manoe, you have been busy! Your page is looking very cool! I haven't stopped in for a while, so i was very suprised and impressed! Good work! :) |
Sue - 02/23/99 20:10:43 My URL:/SoHo/Den/3176/index.html My Email:simtue@msn.com |
Comments: WooHoo!! I got to be visitor #100!! The page is doing great Manoe! I had fun playing the drums, catching turkeys and all... keep adding and changing things, makes it a fun place to visit! :) |
CASIER Claude - 02/17/99 21:04:51 My Email:claudy.cl]@infonie.be |
Comments: Peu mieux faire !! |
- 02/16/99 22:28:25 |
Comments: |
your bro ! - 02/16/99 20:41:15 My URL:http://www.lageirse.com My Email:evrybody@knows |
Comments: héhéhé my community leader hasn't signed in or offered her help...maybe because i am doing just fine without her help...lol It's getting some shape already,I just don't appreciate you peeing on my head..... |
- 02/16/99 20:35:58 |
Comments: |
- 02/16/99 15:59:33 |
Comments: |
Tammy - 02/16/99 04:14:41 My URL:/heartland/cottage/9160 My Email:cltammy@hotmail.com |
Comments: Hi! I am your Community Leader here in Heartland Hollow. I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know to contact me if you ever need any help! |
Tammy Heartland Hollow Community Leader |
Sue - 02/16/99 00:13:31 |
Comments: Much better! So happy to see the whole family on your page! (one small thing....it's spelled funniest) Nice to meet you Manu! kepp up the good work on the page! |
- 02/14/99 23:48:45 |
Comments: |
tester - 02/13/99 15:34:32 |
Comments: test 1 |
Bruno - 02/12/99 11:08:20 |
Comments: Hello |
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