OKAY, I've managed to throw together a few pages of pictures from the last six months or so. There are quite a few pictures, so enjoy. Just click here to go to the first page, and you'll find links there to the other two new pages!
Shannen, Chris and I would like to welcome you to our Homepage. We have tried to make this as easy as possible for our visitors. Please feel free to browse to your heart's content!
If Your Friends Jump Off a Bridge...
Shannen, Chris and Rainer make light of their parent's warnings about doing crazy stuff. The three of them jump off a bridge into Maine's Balch Lake, Summer of 1997
Shannen and Chris are just too cool! Here they are stylin' at Yellowstone in the summer of '98, and skating around on the ponds of New Hampshire in the winter of '97.
Here Chris checks out an ejection seat at a plane museum outside of Salt Lake City. And Shannen shows off her stuffed animals all strapped in and safe, in the back of our pickup.
There is nothing like a good hike up a beautiful mountain. The kids and I love to hike, here we are hiking up one of the mountains in the White Mountain National Forest. Below, the kids are standing on top of White Horse Ledge, with Chris doing his version of a 'miracle man' often seen outside of Grateful Dead concerts. On the lower right, Shannen is rappeling off a 40' cliff.
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Thanks for stopping by for a visit. You can see more pictures of us on the Next Page, or you can see some of the stories the kids have written by chosing Shannen's Tire Town or Chris' Haunted House. You can even see some of our pictorial history at A Blast in the Past. And don't forget to check out Shannen's report on the Revolutionary War!
Shannen and Chris snorkeling in a mountain stream in the town of Jackson, NH. This is one of the most beautiful swimming streams in the White Mountains.