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Welcome to my web site!
are you and where do you come from? When I first started my web page, I
asked myself that very question. This quest has taken me all over the
world, via the information highway. I have met wonderful people to whom I
owe a debt of gratitude for their patience with someone with so little
experience in genealogy. I am living proof that anyone with a computer and
an dial up internet connection can reach out and find their roots. Please
enjoy what I have found so far.
originally from Sweden, were pioneers first in Minnesota then in Cold
Lake, Alberta. |
My grandfather JAMES PATRICK CAINE was born in Newmarket Ontario
in 1877. His parents were JOHN JAMES CAINE and MARGARET NEVILLE of Irish
decent. John is from NEWBERRY, Mallow, County Cork, Ireland |
We are now linked to the COLEMAN family of SEELY BAY, Ontario.
This important family are of Irish decent. |
The Deeks side of my family originate in Kingston, Ontario around
1824 when William Angus Deeks was born the son a British officer during the war
of 1812. |
The Dunbar side right back to the late 1700's originates in Hamilton,
Lanarkshire Scotland. |
The Ranger
connection surprised me the most. Within 48 hours I had found my husbands
family from Rigaud, Quebec back to the 1600's.
This page was last updated on 10/14/00.
