Men’s Fellowship

First Christian Church

Ottumwa, Iowa

Don Colwell, President


The men’s fellowship meets at 6 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of the month. The group has been blessed with having a number of good cooks in its midst. The result is an evening of fine dining, good entertainment, and all around good fellowship.

Once a year the fellowship hosts a special evening to honor the women of the congregation. On this special evening an award is presented to the woman of the year. The recipient of the award is an individual who has given a good many years of service to the church and who has made a contribution to the enhancement of the life of the congregation.

The men’s fellowship periodically underwrites needed projects to keep the church in repair or to provide for needed items. A good group of enthusiastic, down to earth, group of guys with an almost ornery sense of humor. The relaxed atmosphere and genuine warmth of its gatherings attest to the fact that Christ is in their midst and the guiding light of their existence.