Hi! My name is Aaron and I was born October 26, 1992.
I like to play Nintendo. My favorite games are Banjo Kazooie and Mario.
I also like to play computer games. My favorites are Lego Island,
my Magic School Bus games and Bug Explorers!
I love to catch bugs! Grasshoppers are my favorites!
I like to eat pizza in the big box, chicken McNuggets from McDonalds, chinese food and my mom's black rice.
My favorite televison shows are Scooby Do, Pokemon, The Rugrats, Authur, and The Magic School Bus. My favorite movies are the Star Wars movies, Ghostbusters and Indiana Jones.
Here are my picture pages:
My school pictures
More Pictures

Press here to hear my Favorite song
Here are some of my favorite links:
Pokemon World
The Candy Stand
CrazyBones Webpage
My sister Autumn's Page
My sister Allison's Page