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(Click on any of the photos for a full size version)

From our hotel terrace at Vietri Sul Mare, Italy, we had a fabulous view of all the ships arriving and sailing from the port of Salerno. On the evening of 3rd August, we saw the P&O NEDLLOYD BEIRUT arrive from Izmir, Turkey and anchor in the Roads.
At 07:00 the next morning, she sailed into the port through the breakwater (left) and by 09:00 we had taken the short 8 km taxi ride into the port and were climbing the gangway onto the ship (right). The crew met us on the dockside and insisted on taking all our luggage on board for us.

We were escorted to our cabin on the 3rd deck, although the word "cabin" hardly did it justice, as we had the Owner's cabin, the "Eigenekabin", with its own lounge (left), bedroom and en suite bathroom. Paddy stayed in the Pilot's Cabin on the 4th deck. This sea voyage had been arranged through Hamburg Süd Reiseagentur in Germany. Due to late arrival of some containers, we stayed tied up in Salerno port (right) all day Monday, but this gave us time to familiarise ourselves with the ship and to meet the Captain (Erhard Poppendieck) and other German and Philippino officers.

The P&O NEDLLOYD BEIRUT is a 1,700 TEU containership, registered in Hamburg, Germany, built in 1994, managed by NSB Niederelbe mbH & Co.

In the afternoon, the Chief Engineering Officer (Ralf Wendt) gave us a personal guided tour of the Engine Room. He warned that after sailing the noise in the Engine Room is deafening in temperatures of over 50 C. The Second Officer then took us through the Emergency procedures, equipment and muster stations.