Chad & Angela's Wedding My big little brother is a married man!
William was the ring bearer...
... and he was pretty excited about it!
Angela and her bridesmaids
Chad looked dapper, and was his usual mellow self
Three Generations: The Reception
The bride and groom's table, My parents enjoy the entrance of the wedding party...
... Will and I join them after our introduction...
...and we cheer for the bride and groom
Rachel and Will had a great time
They especially enjoyed getting out on the dance floor!
Angela takes a spin around the floor with her dad
Rachel liked dancing with her dad too!
Will didn't even need a partner
It was a beautiful day from beginning to end
Chad Kluver and Angela Groppetti became husband and wife
on August 20, 2005 in Walnut Creek, California
my father, my brother, & my son
complete with bottles of Two-Buck Chuck