<BGSOUND SRC="/mia_53/dreamlvr.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello, you have found my page...my first so please be kind  ...those who know me hehehe I am trying..  
*Smile*..... Mia
A picture I drew in high school ...perhaps I shall draw again sometime..in the future....
Hallo , Well I continue to work on this page ..Guess I could tell you alittle about myself here..
I have started on the net in December 1997.. thanks to my daughter ...I have meet so many wonderful people and have joined some  nice chats in IRC ..yes I am a little bit addicted to talking in real life also..after learning to use the computer I decided to try to make a homepage ..Try is the word .

I have left Ohio and now survive in FLORIDA ..
I have 2 children and yes have grandchildren also...they are all the best that has happen in my life..
For my friends on the net I say many thanks to each of you for sharing in my life...

I have one dream come true I made it to  Germany  and I saw where my father was born.. To all my Friends A great BIG
Hello...................................I HAVE EARNED MY WINGS!!!!!! yes Today I am  totally free ...From here I shall live happy and in peace. Fall 2003

My dear friend Major.............. Died May 4,1999......I shall miss him forever!!
E-mail me at mia_53@yahoo.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
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TO MY FREEDOM !!! well I have gained freedom from a bad marriage with and acoholic husband...he knows the pain and damage he did to me all the years ..my freedom  is to  no longer live in fear of a DRUNK........I look forward to the day when I am DIVORCED and free of him ...and never controled again ....That DAY HAS COME.
A persons homepage is just that...A place  to speak the heart and feelings they have ..if you choose to look then that is a choice you have made.. if you read words that you do not like ...then return no more to that site .....but there are pages that touch a cord to make one think....maybe to find a way out of a bad situation for seeing another has made it...some can say words you are unable to say then you can share..some can brighten your day.with a smile....thanks to geocities I have been able to learn and make a page of my own...