This page is still under construction. I am slowly learning about web page design. Please check back soon.
My name is Maryruth. I want to welcome you to my little country corner.
Let me tell you about myself. I am a single parent of four - a girl and 3 boys.
At the present time I reside in the Lone Star State. I am heading
north though come fall.
Well I no longer live in the Lone Star State. I moved up to Montana August of 2002. I love it here surrounded by the Rocky mountains. The weather is much better than the heat of TX summers.
My two older kids are now living on their own. They still abide in TX. My 15 yr old has moved in with his dad in Arkansas. That leaves just my 6 yr old living with me at the moment. It is a big difference just having one child with me verses 4 living at home.
I have many interests and this website is going to touch on some of them.
Some things this page will contain:
Parenting Tips
Get Organized Tips
Vegetarian Recipes and Healthy Eating Tips
And more....
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