Jr. High News

Confirmation Classes will begin this Wednesday, September 4th at 6:00pm

"Renewed Spirit" are looking for vocalists and keyboardist, male and female, for our newly formed praise band. The practices are tuesdays from 1:00-2:30pm at SOTL.

Any youth who are interested in being a part of the Youth drama team that will perform skits at the youth worship service, please sign up!

Mark your calanders for September 7th and come help out our SOTL youth fund for the future. The youth will be sponsoring a Golf outing at Hartland Glen Golf Course in Hartland on M59. We would love to see all of you and your friends come out for a day of fun and fellowship. The outing is for anyone who would like to help support. Registration forms are available near the main entrance of the beuilding and near the school entrance. You can also find a copy of the form on page 7 in the May issue of Shepherds Voice. Log onto Shepherds Voice Newsletter by clicking, ShepherdsVoice.org

Mark your calanders for Friday, September 20th. We will be holding our second annual "Get Acquainted Night" from 8-11pm. Sign up on the Youth Bulletin Board for a night of fun and games designed to help you get to know other Jr. High Youth. Cost is a 2 liter bottle of pop or a bag of munchies. This night is open to all youth entering 6-8 grade this year.

We will be having our first meeting of the 02/03 season on Monday night, Sept 9th from 6:30-7:30pm in the Youth Room. We will discuss plans for the Get Acquainted Night and the Lock-In event for October. We will also establish our meeting schedule for the rest of the year.

IT's Back! Festival Con Dios is returning to Michigan again this fall. The date is Saturday, September 28th. 11 Bands, professional Arena Cross Motorcycle Show, Cool games, and the opportunity to meet members of the bands, all hosted by Christian Comedian Bob Smiley. Cost is $20.00 Check out the Youth Board or the September newsletter for more info. Sign up Now on the Youth Board.
Sunday Morning Bible Study: |

(Sunday School); Every Sunday morning, a bible study is open to ALL Junior Highers. It runs from 9:45-10:45 a.m. The class is held in the YOUTHROOM, and is taught by Tom Prochaska. Come join us! | send e-mail to Tom |.

Check this page often for the most up to date Jr. High Youth News!