Hi, My name is Tom Crain
This page will always be under-construction. I started doing Genealogy in 1991. Presently i have close to 60,000 names in my database. While not all of my surnames are not on these pages, i do wish to have most of them on here soon. Below are some of the many surnames of which I am researching: Ameline, Amos, Arcouet, Assaly, Banne, Beaumont, Belair, Bellesoeur, Benyon, Bernard, Berland, Bertault, Black, Bloquin, Breland, Boire, Boiselat, Bonine, Bonne, Bourdon, Brie, Brown, Bruffey, Bruffy, Bruneau, Bruno, Bruyere, Burgess, Calihoo, Callihoo, Canteau, Cardinal, Charbonnier, Charron, Chausse, Chevalier, Chevreau, Chorau, Clagett, Cloutier, Coetmor, Collin, Coulonne, Conteau, Courties, Courtney, Coussy, Crain, Crane, Craine, Cromwell, Cross, Delpesche, Denault, Desjardins, Desroches, Desrosiers, Devore, D’Orleans, Dodin, Dodon, Doucinet, Doussinet, Druineau, Duchesne, Dumont, Edgecomb, Everingham, Fauchere, Fletcher, French, Frobisher, Gagnon, Gagon, Gakerlin, Garnier, Garrett, Garett, Gastinon, Gatton, Gibbins, Girard, Goddard, Gour, Granger, Grimley, Haines, Ham, Hans, Hamelin, Harpersfield, Haynes, Heronville, Herring, Hill, Imbault, Jalee, Jeans, Jevan, Jobert, Jourdain, Ker, Knight, Kolliou, Kwarakwante, La Sekanaise, Lacosta, Ladouceur, Lafreniere, Lajeunesse, Lapense, Lapier, Lapierre, Lapointe, Laporte, Larance, Larcheveque, Larence, Laurance, Laurence, Legrand, Lemayne, Lepine, L’Espinay, Lescarbot, Lewis, Lipinet, Long, Lucas, Lussier, Mackworth, Mansard, Maret, Marette, Marsan, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Masters, Matee, Mathews, Matou, McAdams, McCombs, McCubbin, McDonald, Mechin, Meiniev, Meloche, Michel, Migneron, Misapis, Mitton, Montagnais, Montour, Mouflet, Mytton, Newton, Nolet, Paquette, Paviot, Pendleton, Pepin, Perthuis, Piet, Pimpante, Pincon, Pion, Preunier, Prevost, Price, Prieur, Quenneville, Rainbault, Randall, Reaume, Redlon, Rheaume, Ridlen, Ridlon, Rote, Roupe, Roguelete, Roy, Roupe, Rupe, Saulteaux, Schnatter, Snawder, Sidebottom, Singleton, Skrymshire, St Georges, Starnater, Sterneter, Stewart, Sutton, Swynford, Tibbets, True, Vanasse, Veitch, Veatch, Vertefeuille, Vivier, Ward, Williamson, Willoughby, Wilson, White, Wright and Young. There are many many more. Please keep coming back as I will be adding more. I am in the process of finding out how to make this site totally searchable. Also in the process of adding Marriage info. Thanks for your patience in this process of me creating this never ending project. Also would like to express a special thanks to those whom have helped me in this genealogical task. By the way if you "Ctrl-F" and type in the name you are serching, this will search these pages. Although it only works on the page you are on. This works on most Webpages. |