Hello one and all......I would like to start off with a big "THANK YOU" for visiting my home page......I am relavently new at this and have borowed grphics from a close friend of mine......She is know on the internet as KittyC@ts and has a wonderful website that if you have time you sould check out......You will be able to get to her page from a link I have......

You will be able to learn a little about me a well as my family......Including my soon to be ex-husband and father of my children, a page for my children and even a photo gallary for you to take a look at what we look like......

I hope that you enjoy your visit....... Please feel free to email me and tell me what you think of my page......If you think that there is any thing that I could do to improve my page or make it better, please feel free to let me know......

Proud Member Since Febuary 12, 1999
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Since this page was put on line on January 1, 1999.

Page last updated January 29, 2000.

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