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Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
This is an explanation of where "Twinkle Star" came from...
Marissa had a very special pillow. It was one of those children's pillows with a very special pillow case. The case had multicolored "stars" and balls all over it. Without explanation, she became very attached to this pillow. She named it her "Twinkle Star". She couldn't sleep without "Twinkle Star" and toted this pillow wherever we went. She LOVED her "Twinkle Star", it was her most prized possession. We, of course, had it while on "bacation". When Marissa was on life support, we placed her "Twinkle Star" with her. We let her know that she had her most prized possession with her. On our way home from Tennessee, we (my entire family) took turns loving that "Twinkle Star". And Marissa is buried with her "Twinkle Star" so that she could bring it to Heaven with her. For us, Marissa is and always will be,

Mommy's precious twinkle star
how I now wonder, what you are
an angel in the sky at night?
the star that twinkles oh so bright?
My most treasured possession, my all
You went away at the angel's call
I feel you with me night and day
Please feel me with you, I pray
For no one could love a daughter more
You are all a Mommy could ever ask for
Marissa, I thank you from my very soul
For being the twinkle star for Mommy to hold
Eternally, I promise, my darling baby girl
You were not only my daughter of this world
We will be together forever in the end
And, yes, you are still Mommy's best "fwend"
Though the tears fall, and my heart aches
For however long this lifetime takes
I know that you are mine and I am yours
and you will meet me at Heaven's doors
And once again we will be together
This time, my darling, I promise, FOREVER
written by Mommy