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Marissa's Family

I have always felt blessed to be a part of my beautiful family. When my children were born, I knew that they would be as blessed as I. Our family is very special. Of course, although not everyone would see us as perfect, we have something that is very special indeed.

My parents, Philip and Thais Schick have five children...Thais Ann, Doris, Scott, Me (Laurie), and William. We are all so very close. I have always thanked God for giving me such a wonderful family and now, in this loss, I am even more thankful. My two older sisters are both married and have three children each. Thais is married to Terry and their children are Ryan, Rachel, and Nathan. Doris is married to Gary and they have Jeffrey, Justin, and Joelle. Scott and William are not married and have no children...yet.

As a family, we share everything. The joy that comes from such a close-knit family is hard to describe. Being a member of such a family brings one a security, a stability. One knows that you are never alone.

When Marissa was born, she was the youngest of 7 grandchildren. Joelle was then 12 years old. Marissa was our family's "baby". She belonged to ALL of us... and she KNEW this. She relished in this.

In our family, children come first. Being the first baby in 12 years, Marissa was slightly spoiled. Now, I do not mean this in an ugly way, she was spoiled but NOT rotten. She was our little princess. Everyone, including her six cousins, doted on her.

When Matthew was born, Marissa was thrilled. She now had a "baby" to dote on. She took up the role of big Sissy so naturally. Marissa LOVED being the Big Sister. He was HER "baby Matt".

Losing our Marissa has been and continues to be the hardest thing that our family has had to endure. We have rallied together. Each of us must face this most unbelievable tragedy in our own manner, but we know that we have each other. We know that nothing...NO tragedy however grave, can seperate us. We acknowledge, as a whole, that we will be a famly ETERNALLY. Marissa has gone home before us but we will be together again. This time ETERNALLY!!!!! The Faith of my family has been and continues to be the most sustaining force through our journey of grief.

I thank God for my family. I thank Jesus for sending us Our Marissa...Our Magnificent Marissa! For no matter how brief her stay, we are all Blessed to have been touched by this most precious Angel.

Note to my family
I wish to thank my beautiful family. Without each of you, I do not know how this would be bearable. You have each blessed my life and the lives of my husband and children, and for this, I am forever in your debt. I love each of you with all my heart. Thank you for loving me and my family...but most of all, thank you for making my Marissa the happiest little Angel in Heaven. I am sure that she is sharing stories of our family with all the other little Angels. Thank You!!!


December 27, 1997
Cousin Rachel's engagement party
Mamaia, Cousin Becky, Marissa, Nanny holding Matt and Mommy

Same party
Mamaia, Cousin Becky
Marissa (making sure she was in the picture)

Still Rachel's Party
Marissa, Matt and Rachel

August 1999 - Zephyr's baseball game
Organ procurement night
Daddy, Joe, Auntie, Uncle Bill, Uncle Gary with Matt, Mamaia
and Mommy, way up top

Zephyr's game
Matthew, Mommy and Mamaia

Zephyr's game
wearing our Marissa t-shirts
Grampsie, Uncle Bill, Joelle, Auntie,
Nanny with Matt, Mommy, Mamaia, Daddy and Uncle Gary


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