You must ride your project horse unless a request for an exception
made in writing and approved by the Horse Show Committee.
Anyone on horseback MUST wear an approved riding helmet and boots.
Class changes must be made before classes start each morning.
After classes start for the day you may not enter a class you may
scratch only.
You MUST show in one fitting and showing class.
If you are not at gate when your class enters the ring you will be
scratched from and may not reenter that class.
No "coaching" from the bleachers while a child is exhibiting
Do not discuss a child's placing with the judge until the end of the day.
Questions about equipment, rules,etc. should be directed to the show
steward. If the show steward is unable to determine a ruling
majority meeting of the show committee will determine the ruling.
Only Grievances made in writing will be addressed.
The gate person should not allow illegal equipment/tack to enter the
arena. If the gate person does not "catch" the illegal equipment/tack
should be brought to the attention of the show steward.
Do not leave your horse alone at the hitching rail
Do not tie your horse to the arena
No jumping without an E.M.T. present
You must have your stall inspected before you leave the fairgrounds
you will be charged a $10 cleaning fee.
Requests for refunds must be made in writing within 10 days after the
Walk Trotters should go to the middle of the arena if the command for
lope or canter is announced
No horses near the Shriners booth, blacktop or road
All horses must have an E.I.A. to be on the fairgrounds
Rules set by the Ak. State Fair must be followed as posted on the
Remove your haynet after horse is done eating. (Do not leave it in stall
Absolutely No grain can be stored in stalls.
The Alaska 4-H Horse Show Rule Book will be used at all Mat-Su District
sponsored shows