Paint Shop Pro Users' Group
Homework Central

Well! I had computer problems, got behind in homework, finally saved up enough money to buy PSP version 6, changed all the links when PSPUG changed everything around - THEN they came out with a new version 7 of PSP! I've been disgusted and gave up for a while! I see that the links have all been changed again, so none of the links within my lesson pages work. (I like to indicate a link to the tutorial involved - I usually have to refer back to them when I want to remember how to do something - it also provides anyone looking at my lesson (ha!) a reference point as to what I am supposed to be doing that week.)
July 2000
Wk 1 *- Using the Gradient editor Wk 2 - Seamless bordered backgrounds Wk 3 *- Animated rainbow!

June 2000
Wk 1 *- Spilled paint effect Wk 2 **- Effects with text & pictures Wk 3 - Animated Arrow Wk 4 *- Texturizing with the Eraser Tool

Computer problems have kept me from completing assignments for a number of months (Feb to June so far). I've saved each one and will try to complete them when I'm able. I just finally treated myself to PSP 6 - so have quite a bit to learn again also. So far it's great!
* assignment not completed
** lesson & assignment not completed

May 2000 (not done yet)
Wk 1 **- PSP 6 frames Wk 2 **- Make you own, PSP 5 & 6 Wk 3 **- Fonts & sculpture tool Wk 4 **- Mats

April 2000 (not done yet)
'Painting' with assorted tools
Wk 1 *- Flood Fill 'image fade' Wk 2 *- 'Painting' on linen Wk 3 - no lesson Wk 4 **- Retouch and clone tools

March 2000
PSP 6 Vectors and Node Editing
Wk 1 - 'basic shape cat' Wk 2 - a vector clover Wk 3 - Node edit 'basic shape cat' Wk 4 *- Vector Text

February 2000
Wk 1 *- Transparent gifs Wk 2 - How to create tubes Wk 3 *- Turn cutouts into tubes
what is assignment?
Wk 4 - Create a background using tubes

January 2000
differences between PSP 5 & 6
Wk 1 - PSP browser, no download etc Wk 2 - PSP 5 & 6 differences

December 99

Wk 1 - Snowglobes Wk 2 - Collage
links not valid?

November 99
Wk 1 - Text Effects Wk 2 - Buttons Wk 3 - Brushed Metal

October 99
Mouseover Graphics 101

The PSPUG links currently don't work and I prefer the pages without being caught in 'frames'!
Homework (Facilitators') page
SLP Homework Assignments

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Resources For Paint Shop Pro Users

Graphics links

copy right free graphics
Brenda McCaw - Orchids
David's Royalty Free Photos

Kelly Kanadian Kin... created by Mary A. Kelly,

last date modified: 27 Jul 2000


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