[Break Out of Frames]

Kelley - Kelly Surname Ring
The Kelley - Kelly Web Ring

Due to the drastic changes since the various takeovers of the excellant webring.org system, I have decided to maintain the Kelly ring through the ringsurf.com sytem of rings. The ring remains unchanged, you just won't be forced to apply for personal ID and passwords as is the practice now with Yahoo. In addition, webring managers are able to maintain control over both the appearance and management of their rings and member sites as was possible in the past before the latest takeovers.

The Kelley-Kelly Surname Ring homepage has moved to: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kellykin/kelly/

Please come and join us there!

The Ringmaster reserves the right to refuse admittance of sites to the ring
and to remove sites from the ring at any time, at her descretion.

Kelley - Kelly Web Ring
Ringmaster: Mary A. Kelly
Created: 29 Feb 2000

Last Updated: 09 Mar 01
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