and Somebunny who is non-artistiscally(?) gifted!

I am working at trying out various graphics -while trying to help out my 'cyberpal' Judy :-) We met on-line when I was trying to help her add her html coding for the GenePool WebRing; I noticed that her bordered background was repeating and otherwise misbehaving - I offered to lend her hand and we are now fast friends! She keeps coming up with her great genealogy pages; and I try to keep up with her graphically (she is a 'butterfly(llie) disadvantaged person'). I have learned a great deal about graphics and the Paint Shop Pro 5 programme while trying to assuge Judy's need for more 'buttons'! - I would not have bothered to 'get into' the matter as much as I have, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn!

I am drastically disorganized and my hard drive is full of 'test' graphics, rejects and otherwise! Brilliant idea strikes me! Stick 'em up on your web page where you won't lose 'em (you might even want one of those buttons yourself one day says me!) These pages are an attempt to organize and display my attempts; 'cause my memory is rotten and I forget what I've done as soon as I've done it!

I don't suppose anyone but myself will even be reading this page anyway (sigh!) - but if you happen to trip over this page by some misfortune and possess an atrocious lack of taste (enough to like one of my meagre offerings that is!) - feel free to help yourself. I could maybe even help you out with one of them if something strikes you fancy!

Surname riot!...the tiled background on my 'home page'. (If you're not too fussy - I could try to do something similar for you.
Buttons 'n things...Judy is always looking for buttons!
'THE' Quilt first graphics experience, spent hours on it and learned a lot! (I really don't like the stripes that I added for the PSP course though!)
I am the 'whimpering genealogist' referred to at the Mousepad - where Vickimouse finally capitulated and drew up some gorgeous Provincial graphics (after my hunting the web for info on our glorious Canada - still have to finish up Nunavut - anyone know what an 'artic poppy' looks like?)