Liars For Jesus
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In trying to convince unbelievers to convert to Christianity, we Christians try to tell them that they must have faith. But many unbelievers will not believe anything unless we can provide evidence for them. As all Christians know, there simply is not enough evidence to justify belief in Christianity (that's why we need faith, after all). We also know that without belief in God there is no point in living. Life on this Earth is meaningless; it is only our hope for an afterlife that keeps us going. But sadly, more than 10% of the people in America, the only truly Christian country, are atheists. Christians have a moral duty to convert these filthy, terrible, immoral people to the one true religion of Christianity. The only way we can do this if we are willing to commit a small sin so that a greater good can come about. We must be willing to lie for Jesus.
Here are some suggestions:
- We should all try to make up at least one story a day showing that Jesus has performed a miracle.
- When debating atheists, try redefining "atheist" to mean a person who KNOWS that God does not exist rather than a person who merely lacks belief in God. You can then claim that since atheists can't know everything (only God can do that) they can't possibly KNOW that God does not exist.
- We must tell the unbeliever that unbelief requires as much faith as belief and therefore unbelief is no more rational. One way to trick the unbeliever is to equivocate on the meaning of the word "faith". Show the unbeliever that he has "faith" in the sense of "trust in someone", and when you get him to admit that he has this kind of faith, tell him "see, you believe things in spite of a lack of evidence just like Christians do".
- We can claim that we once thought like the atheists think, but we came around to Christianity after examining the evidence. Be careful with this one though; it is so overused that it may give the impression that 99% of the world's population are atheists.
- We must blame every one of society's maladies on atheism, secular humanism, Satanism, etc., even though religion and violent crime are strongly correlated.
- Even though the evidence for evolution is overwhelming, we must NEVER admit that evolution is anything more than an idea dreamt up by stupid scientists after being drunk all night. We must insist that the only explanation for the existence of life is that God created us. One promising tactic to use here is to quote scientists out of context and even distort the quote to make it seem that they doubt that evolution has occurred.
- We should say that leading scientists claim that their research points to the existence of God, even though most scientists are atheists and claim no such thing.
- We all know that there is no evidence that Jesus rose from the dead, but we don't have to admit this to the unbelievers. We can point out that the Bible says that many people witnessed the empty tomb and insist that a few lines in an ancient book are reason enough to believe this extraordinary claim.
- Although Hitler was a Christian, we must say that he was not a True Christian. We can even go so far as to claim that Hitler was an atheist. Chances are that the unbeliever will not know enough about the history of World War II to refute this claim.
- Insist that all of our country's founding fathers were Christians, even though some of the more weak-minded patriots such as Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine held Christianity in contempt.
Links to Christians on the Net
Westboro Baptist Church
Christian Bible Study
Kingdom Identity Ministries
American Promise Ministries
Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS
Dinosaur Questions and Answers
The Terrors of Hell
Demon Possession Handbook
Creation Outreach
Evil Atheists on the Net (Go witness to them!)
Listen to Jehovah
The Fight For Freethought!
Christianity: Bogus Beyond Belief
The Freethought Zone
The Enlightened Despot