Liars For Jesus

This site is for Christians only. If you are not a Christian, please LEAVE NOW!

In trying to convince unbelievers to convert to Christianity, we Christians try to tell them that they must have faith. But many unbelievers will not believe anything unless we can provide evidence for them. As all Christians know, there simply is not enough evidence to justify belief in Christianity (that's why we need faith, after all). We also know that without belief in God there is no point in living. Life on this Earth is meaningless; it is only our hope for an afterlife that keeps us going. But sadly, more than 10% of the people in America, the only truly Christian country, are atheists. Christians have a moral duty to convert these filthy, terrible, immoral people to the one true religion of Christianity. The only way we can do this if we are willing to commit a small sin so that a greater good can come about. We must be willing to lie for Jesus.

Here are some suggestions:

Links to Christians on the Net
Westboro Baptist Church
Christian Bible Study
Kingdom Identity Ministries
American Promise Ministries
Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS
Dinosaur Questions and Answers
The Terrors of Hell
Demon Possession Handbook
Creation Outreach

Evil Atheists on the Net (Go witness to them!)
Listen to Jehovah
The Fight For Freethought!
Christianity: Bogus Beyond Belief
The Freethought Zone
The Enlightened Despot