(Since the "PUBLIC SERVANTS" can't seem to do it for us!)

Possible Internet Charge to your telephone Bill



CNN stated that the Government would in
two weeks time decide to allow or not allow a charge to your phone bill equal to a long-distance call each time you access the internet. The address to find your Congressperson is:

Please visit the address above and fill out the necessary form! We all were aware that the Government has been pressured by the telephone companies to consider such a charge and now it's reality! If EACH one of us forward this message on to others in a hurry, we may be able to prevent this injustice from happening.

Please take the time and visit the website address above and follow the instructions... Your vote may make a BIG difference. None of us should be charged a long-distance call each time we access the Internet.

In addition, please forward this to all your friends and relatives who also access the Internet.

Somebody's always trying to get into our pocket for the "Spare Change".

John-Henry Williams
Hitter Communications
2448 North Essex Avenue
Hernando, Florida, 34442
"Fastest Nodes on the Net"

Below is a Congressional reply that should put the matter to rest,at least for now.

Paul M. Lyons
Office of Viewer Relations
America's Voice "Turning Talk into Action"
717 Second St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
Tel: 202-544-6841 ext. 441
Fax: 202-548-0145

Check Out America's Voice LIVE on the Net:


as widely circulated and received at America's Voice:

Long distance Internet charge on our phone bills will be voted on in Congress in less than 2 weeks. Congress will be voting in less than two weeks. CNN stated that the government would, in two weeks time, decide to allow or not allow a charge to your phone bill equal to a long distance call EACH time you access the Internet. The address is:>

If you choose, visit the address above and fill out the necessary form!

If EACH one of us forwards this message on to others in a hurry, we may be able to prevent this injustice from happening!


from Congressman Bill Archer:

Thank you very much for your E-mail message.

I noted your concerns about charges being made by the minute for connecting to the Internet by phone. I checked into this and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said that they had no intention of allowing such charges to be made. I understand this was started by the Consumers Union and the Consumer Federation of America who believe that Internet users could pay by the minute one day if the FCC rules that Internet calls are actually interstate communications. Many constituents, such as yourself, have expressed concern about whether the FCC will deal with Internet dialups as local or interstate calls. The FCC Chairman, William Kennard, recently stated, "The FCC has no intention of permitting per-minute charges to be imposed on the Internet." He further said that, "{The decision} has nothing to do with consumer Internet charges. It's about what telephone companies pay one another."

In the event that this issue comes before Congress in the future, I will keep your concerns in mind.

Your input is important to me and I hope you will continue to keep me aware of your feelings.

With best regards,


Bill Archer
Member of Congress
E- The People America's Interactive Town Hall, a nonpartisan Web service that makes it easy for people to reach over 170,000 officials in the local, state, and federal government.

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