Denise's Two Cents on Life
UPDATED - 6-20-05
I have changed alot on my first page. I think it is easier to follow and that there IS a flow.  You'll just have to let me know.  It's still a "living" home page of my favorites of everything so do keep checking back.
This pic was taken in July 2000. It wasn't easy to get us ALL together and this was the last day of Carol's visit..........
pictured from left to right.. Melissa (20), me, Kenny (24), Carol (27) & Jason (26)
Jason, Ken, Melissa and Carol
Good friends and Fun Times
Something about Denise.........
Adoption Search/Reunion Sites
What I do in my "spare" time..........  (updated 8/02)
Ballooning - A Natural High
Some of my favorite places to relax..........
A few places I have traveled to...........
Some favorite scenic places........... 
Click here to e-mail me your .02 and say hi!