This page was created and written for a
Tribute to all the Victims.
We have all remembered the children that lost their lives
and their families.The ones that are
still in the hospital healing from the
gun shot wounds and their families.
All the students,and facilty that had
to be a part of and see the horror that went on
for so many hours.
None of us will ever know what
the parents and families of the 2 students
that are responsible for all this
are feeling and going thru..
But for the Grace of God ,that is not I.
It has to be feelings that
no words could describe.They have not only
lost a child and someone that they loved.
They have to feel the guilt and responsibility
in some way what their sons have done
and the lives that they have changed forever.....
May we say special prayers for them
as people and parents,that are hurting and
grieving for the lose of a loved one also.

Dear Heavenly Father
We ask of you to give comfort to the hearts
of these families.To bring some comfort and
closure to the many why's that
they have been asking themselves.......
May they find peace,love and solace in their hearts also.
In your name we pray..... Amen

Our Hearts Are Heavy

Our hearts are heavy,
our fears run deep.
We hold them tight
and watch them sleep.

We struggle for words
worry how much to say,
Wonder how such things happen
We pray and we pray.

A town much like ours
just another Tuesday
So many lives ripped apart
Just what do we say.

We know who you are
your just one of us.
We look at our own,
it may have been us.

What happens to them?
They are children we say.
What makes them go wrong?
What turns them away?

Why didn't we know?
What should we have done?
How can we stop this
see ,this is the one.

We must pay attention
as we watch our kids grow.
Listen and love
so that we might know.

How deep is the pain
are we reading the clues.
How are they coping
are they talking or blue.

We may never know
why this happen today.
Or how to help.
Or what to say.

But we want to know
as you struggle to heal,
that we all send or love
and pray that you heal.

Please click on the banner
to read a story that is
so true and read the story
with an open mind.
This Columbine High
School Tragedy Web Ring site owned by Donna Michael.
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Joyful Moments Web Designs
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