updated 9/23/00

Look what my recipe pages did.

"Thankyou very much..."

If you like my recipes,
Please give Munchie Recipes a vote.

Please vote for Munchie Recipes

"Thankyou Nancy"

I entered my "Mom's Chilli Recipe"
in a contest and we won!!
"Alright Mom"
"Dirty Gerty's Big Batch of Fast Chilli

Please click on the ribbon to enter your recipe.

Some of the recipes in the pulldown
are from "Spider Angel"
one of my friends on the net.

There are 3 recipes per page.

Please take a minute to sign
my guestbook so I know you were here.

If you need some wonderful
graphics.Please go and see what
my friend "ART" can do for you.
I have 6 pages that have his

If you like my clipart please go to
You won't be sorry.
She has an amazing talent.