Welcome to my page

My name is Sharon (Keener)Bennett. I am from WV and I am in the process of researching my Keener roots from WV,
VA, PN, NC and Holland. Who knows where I will go from there.
In the pages of my site you will find my ancestors  and someone elses ancestors  not related to me but they might be to you so I  added what information I had  to aid you in your search.
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me.
Sharon Elaine Keener
Keener Family Index
Will of Ulrich Keener
Keener Family History
Braxton County Births 1853-1877  1878-1884
1850 Census Braxton Co. WV
!880 Census WV Surname Keener
1880 Census Braxton County WV surname Keener
Keener Deaths 1878-1884

Cindi's List of Genealogy links
Genealogy LInks
Genforum Keener Page

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Aunt Edith (Tharp) Dilly and mom Pearl (Tharp) Keener on our right
David (Scrappy), dad Paul Keener, Billy ?, Doug
Web Rings
other web links
Tom Keener my brother
My Family Photo Gallery
pictures of Keeners, Tharps,Dillys, Fisher, Simmons, Frame,  and other members of my tree
updated 12/11/05