Light fiction to help you keep your sanity

I have developed a love for light mysteries, after a long day with the kids. Here's a few titles from a few of my favorite authors. So far, I love every book that Tamar Myers has released so far. Her books are a light, quick read. When I finish one of her books, I mourn its end.

Play It Again Spam Eat, Drink, And Be Wary Between A Wok And A Hard Place Just Plain Pickled To Death No Use Dying Over Spilled Milk Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Crime Too Many Crooks Spoil The Broth
Baroque And Desperate So Faux, So Good Gilt By Association Larceny And Old Lace cover Estate Of Mind
Cooks Overboard Something's Cooking Too Many Cooks Cooking Up Trouble A Cook In Time
Revenge Of The Barbeque Queens Bread On Arrival Death By Rhubarb A Stiff Risotto The Cornbread Killer
