Have a little kid? Need this one!

The Carrot Seed
Don't be misled by the teachings that small children only like bright colored books. Trust me, I am a mother of 4, and this book is on the top 10 most read list with my boys. It is a story of faith, hope and perseverance. It is a great quick read. It is perfect when you are too tired to get through a long book.

A long time ago, BC, Before Children, I never would have considered "Horton Hears a Who" a long book, but after trying to read it, tired, to a 2 year old, I found out how long some of the classics are.

If you have little ones, forget the long books, find short treasures like "The Carrot Seed", "Harold and the Purple Crayon", "Are you My Mother?", and the Sandra Boynton books. You'll have time later for the longer books.

Classic, must have for little ones

Harold And The Purple Crayon
I told my mother about this book for years after having read it in kindergarten. She had never seen it. Well, this classic children's book is back in print, and even my mother now knows what the fuss was all about.

Harold is a boy chock full of imagination. He meanders about with just his purple crayon, creating his surroundings. He draws himself into situations, and has to keep his wits about him in order to draw himself out of any trouble that results in his adventures.

My 4 boys always seemed to like that Harold could extract himself from whatever messes he got himself into. They are fun books, with adventures, but they end on a calming note. They are perfect for bedtime, as they don't wind the children up, but they do hold their interest. (There is a whole series of Harold and the Purple Crayon books) So, for good clean fun, as long as your little ones know not to draw on walls Harold is a never fail hit. My Harold books are all well read.

Have a new little one?

Are You My Mother?
First of all, let me tell those of you who are having, or just had your first child, ignore the baby book advice that babies don't like books without bright colors. I am a mother of 4, and this book is in the top 5 books requested by the boys. It may look rather somber compared to the latest releases, but the kids love this one.

This book is a wonderful story of a little bird on a serious quest. He shows such determination and perseverance. There is no stopping this little bird.

The book is short enough to hold a child's attention at a very young age. Young children love books with a repetitive banter, and this book fulfills that criterion without annoying the adults.

It is a great book to snuggle up with, with a great, positive ending. I can bet that you will get years of reading out of this little book.

OOPS! Nurse your child's hunger for the preposterous!

Blue Hat, Green Hat
This book is yet another gem from Sandra Boynton. On the surface it is four animals getting dressed, and teaching colors. The elephant, the moose, and the bear all seem to be able to dress without issue, but our poor friend the turkey has a most difficult time dressing. When he errs in getting his clothing on in every instance, the page is ended with "Oops" Your children will be giggling out "oops!" at the bottom of every page.

I suspect that part of the appeal of this book to little guys comes not just from the love of the call and response type of banter, or the hysterical pictures, but from the frustration of trying to learn to dress yourself. This one was very popular with my 4 boys.

It's not too long to read to a squirmy child. This book is a good first book to read when you are trying to settle the kids down from being very active. No, I would not make this the last book of the evening, as it does beg for interaction, but it is a great transition from running around, and into other, calmer books.

But not the hippopotamus....

But Not The Hippopotamus
This is a great little book to read to the little people. The illustrations are humorous, and the rhythm and banter of this book is great. All of the Boynton board books are worth having, but this one is a particular gem.

If your child is to the age that they like the notion of call and response songs and books, they will LOVE this book. As you will see, everyone in this book is living it up, and we see them all doing fun things. But at the end of every little scenario you get, "But not the hippopotamus"

(It is amazing how quickly a child can learn to say hippopotamus, or what variations on that word a child will create!) But, don't fret for our poor hippo, he does get a happy ending, but....

READ THE BOOK! I won't give the spoiler.

Moo, Baa, LA LA LA! Horns To Toes (And In Between)

Hams required...

If you are incapable of letting loose and hamming it up for your child, DON'T buy this book! In the course of this book you are required to make a bunch of different dog noises. Actually, as you look at the dogs, and at how the different barks are spelled, your barks will surely evolve into very different barks, and this will leave your children howling with laughter.

Caution: if someone else has already read this to your children numerous times, try to listen to them before you read it aloud, as your children will correct your barks!

This is another of the Boynton books that is short enough to hold even the littlest guy's attention, and begs for interaction. Even children who are not yet speaking may find themselves howling at the moon with the doggies.

This book is great for family collaborations. Different family members are sure to be better at different dog sounds.

Opposites Going To Bed Book One, Two, Three