Phil and Janet's Homepage #1

These are some of the pictures from our travels and other interesting happenings in our life.

We ran out of room on this page, so we have included a link below to go to our homepage #2. Homepage #2  includes pictures from year 2000 forward.

Our homepage #2 includes Justin's graduation, Lake Lanier pictures, Erica Gatti's birth, more spring break pictures, our trip to the Southwestern U.S. and many others. Hope you enjoy

Click on a link below to see the related picture gallery.

Our Wedding (3-99)
Cavelle Visit (3-99)
Spring Break 99 (4-99)
Maui Honeymoon (5-99)
Matthew's Visit to Marietta (6-99)
Pensacola Trip (8-99)
Holidays 99

Go to Phil & Janet's Homepage #2 (for dates after year 1999)

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Number of Visitors