The three pictures above was taken in April in Port Jervis by Cathy K

PJVAC was the first ambulance at this mva....assisted by Hemlock Farms Fire Dept. It was a pleasure to work with these men, outstanding job. April 1, 1997.

Photo, courtesy of Joe Estock Route 84 in Pa

Photo, courtesy of Joe Estock Route 84 in Pa

Photo, courtesy of Joe Estock Route 84 in Pa

"See what happens, when you put two medics in one truck"

They might of smelled breakfast on Route 209? Sean, now that is going to far!

Photo taken by Cathy April 8th,1999 from Route 209
Photo taken by Cathy April 8th,1999 from Route 209

A75 1988 Wheeled Coach (Now the old One) New A75 on another page take a look!

Port Jervis Firemens parade 2000
Rt 84 accident in July