Port Jervis Volunteer Ambulance Corp

We want to thank everyone through the year that has helped us in many ways.
Everyone keep safe out there!
It is a shame you have to watch every move of people but that is the only way to stay safe.

These pages that have pictures on them are my pictures and I don't appreciate anyone using them for a web page unless you have my permission. This is the first web page of PJVAC.

PJVAC staroflife was designed by Kaufman

New Patch 1999

The Port Jervis Volunteer Ambulance Corp.,Inc. has been in existance for over 40 years, starting as The Port Jervis Lions Volunteer Ambulance Corp. on April 22, 1958.
The corp. started with a converted hearse, donated by E. Arthur Gray. Today, the Port Jervis Volunteer Ambulance Corp., Inc., operates three ambulances covering the City of Port Jervis, The Town of Deerpark, and Matamoras, Pa. In 1998 the Port Jervis Volunteers answered 1328 calls,and 1999 answered 1372 calls, and 2000 answered 1555 calls.
The P.J.V.A.C. is certified by both the New York and Pennsylvania Department of Health. Each Ambulance now carries a cardiac defibrillator.
Any one that may want to join the Ambulance Corp. Can contact Med4 at the email.You may inquire as to what courses are offered. You do not need to join a organization take the courses for yourself,or for your loved ones.
Our Corp. has come a long way and we are striving to go further yet.

Taken by Cathy, March 1999 at the Don DeVore Training Center

Note from the Presidents Desk


Our 3 Ambulances

Our 1999 Ambulance

The Newest Ambulance 2002 A76

EMS Prayer


911 INFO

Fire & Ambulance Departments

EMS Links

Call Audits

Logs from the beginning

Logs archives for 1999

Totals for archives for 1999

Logs archives for 2000

Monthly calls for 2001

CPR - You can do it!

Pictures from then and now!

Taken by Cathy, March 1999 at the Don DeVore Training Center

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This web page created December 1998


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