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Janna's Homepage

Hi! J My name is Janna Raber. I grew up in Irvine, California. I graduated from BYU in statistics in August 1998. My husband, George, graduated in April 1999. We are living in Mississippi now, where George is teaching geography at the University of Southern Mississippi. We have 2 sons, Scott and Bryce, and a baby girl, Darla.


George and Janna

Our Wedding

Scott pictures

Bryce pictures

Other Pictures




More old pics

Resurrection of Jesus Christ

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Here are some links that explain what I believe. - The official website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - This site is for anyone interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

THE FAMILY - A PROLCAMATION TO THE WORLD - This was read in September 1995 by President Hinckley and then distributed to people all over the world, members and non-members.

The Articles of Faith - This is a good sum up of the basic beliefs of the Church. These were written by the prophet Joseph Smith.

Greg Olsen's Gallery - He is a wonderful artist in the Church. Here is one of my favorite's Forever and Ever

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