Welcome To Zooa"s Guestbook!

- 12/08/00 00:31:21


indigo - 12/01/00 04:15:11
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/sugarlp311/distirbeddreams.html
My Email:sugarlp311@aol.com

hey nice page!

Fran Davis - 10/26/00 13:45:35
My URL:http://www,geocities.com/fran065/index.html
My Email:fran065@webtv.net

Your Page has been installed in the GJ webpage in my pages. I'll take a look now at your Page. TTYL

Johan - 10/17/00 17:45:02
My URL:http://homestead.deja.com/user.beautyglasses/files/index.htm
My Email:webmaster@atwig.zzn.com

Your site is a great resource. Thanks for sharing. Johan

Lesley - 10/17/00 02:11:04
My Email:dlbarr36@aol.com

Grandma lets me use her computer when she is baby sitting me & I love your page. Lesley

Anita - 10/15/00 02:53:20
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/amholl2/page3.html
My Email:amholl2@aol.com

Me again I just wanted to let you know I have taken Becky and Bozie to a nice place, the link above and have also provied a link back to your page THANKS

Anita - 10/15/00 02:35:39
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/amholl2/index.html
My Email:amholl2@aol.com


Random Acts of Kindness
I have taken The Kitty And The pup to a new home I love Animals a BIG THANKS

kylee bartnick-cunningham - 09/29/00 17:15:45
My Email:501_1@msn.com


Marla - 09/23/00 00:29:18
My URL:http://clix.to/code
My Email:purvey2@webtv.net

I'm trying to look at all the Greenjacket Members Sites and sign all the GuestBooks. WOW what a talented group this is. I enjoyed my visit. Thanks

PaulaAnne - 09/16/00 03:47:15
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~paulaanne/


Thank you so much for visiting and signing my guestbook!
Little things mean a lot!
Have a great day!

Donna - 09/09/00 21:21:30
My Email:dMoonShadow@webtv.net


Firemist - 09/07/00 01:30:50
My URL:/Area51/2956
My Email:Firemist@rocketmail.com

Cute site :) I have enjoyed looking around and visiting :) Have a wonderful night and an even better tomorrow! {{{ H U G S }}}

PaulaAnne - 09/05/00 00:06:06
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~paulaanne/

Sorry I missed your birthday! Hope it was happy!

Random Acts of Kindness
but I'm a little late! Have a great day!

Margaret - 09/03/00 23:25:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/bluegumtrees/index.html

Hi Margaret from another Margaret who is also a Leo (well on the cusp). interesting pages *S*

vic - 09/03/00 00:59:30
My Email:vic578@webtv.com


chelsie - 08/26/00 01:07:34
My Email:babyspears86@hotmail.com

hey you are cool and so is your website

Lady Delia - 08/25/00 15:48:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Lady_Delia/index.html
My Email:deliatimm@webtv.net

Hi Margaret! I'm a fellow RAOK member stopping by to wish you a Belated Happy Birthday! Lady Delia

LadyThunder - 08/22/00 12:49:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ladythundrrrrrr
My Email:ladythundrrrrrr@yahoo.com

Hi There! I just wanted to stop by and invite you to your Birthday Party Celebration today! It's a special party just for you in my party room and I have gifts for you too! Hope to see you there...*s* /ladythundrrrrrr/bday.html


A Birthday Wish Expecially for You!
Today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.
You deserve a lifetime of beautiful tomorrows.
Happy Birthday!

My Little Nest Of Serenity Birthday Party Room

Random Acts of Kindness

Happy Birthday from LadyThunder

chrisy(nasty669) - 08/22/00 04:59:56
My URL:http://www.nasty669adoptedfamily.homestead.com
My Email:nasty669@hotmail.com


Random Acts of Kindness

BOBCIA TURKEY - 08/22/00 00:31:13
My Email:bluebird_upnorth@email.com



Random Acts of Kindness

BUSHIA - 08/22/00 00:24:08
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~bigbushia1/PAGEONE.html
My Email:bigbushia1@email.com



RiRi - 08/21/00 22:01:01
My Email:riri@riricyberhaven.com


Happy Birthday Margaret! May your special day be filled With memories and flowers friendship and many happy hours. May it bring you lots of cheer, laughter and love to last you all year!
Happy Birthday

Snowflake - 08/21/00 20:22:59
My URL:http://www.michyland.com
My Email:Michele@maine.Maine.EDU


Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday Dear Friend,
Happy Birthday to YOU!!
Hope your day is a special one
filled with smiles and laughter the whole way through!!

Milena - 08/21/00 18:07:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/milenav/welcome.html
My Email:milenavirag@hotmail.com

Happy birthday !!! Hope your day is filled with joy !

Random Acts of Kindness

Denise - 08/21/00 17:54:43
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com//picayas/index.html
My Email:Yazzie96@aol.com


May all your birthday wishes come true. Enjoy your day. Random Acts of Kindness

Honey-Due - 08/21/00 15:16:33
My Email:honey-due@webtv.net

Hello Margaret, I just thought I'd stop by and look your lovely site over and wish you a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope your day is very special.

Random Acts of Kindness

- 08/21/00 14:54:27


~*~Happy Birthday!~*~
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
May all your dreams come true!

Just Jackie’s

Happy Birthday!

Walter - 08/21/00 14:22:01
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/wwestfall/index.htm
My Email:walterwestfall@webtv.net

Hi Margaret: I wanted to stop by to wish you a very Happy Birthday. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and that all your birthday wishes and dreams come true on your special day. May your birthday and your life be blessed with love and happiness. Best ishes.~Walter

Whisper_01 - 08/21/00 12:04:45
My URL:/whisper_78362/whisper.html
My Email:whisper_01@excite.com

Hi Margaret! I enjoyed looking at your Beautiful Site & I wanted to wish you a "Very Happy Birthday!!

Random Acts of Kindness

Betty - 08/21/00 11:16:10
My URL:http://www9.50megs.com/petsrluv/
My Email:PETSRLUV@worldshare.net

Happy birthday, wishing you a perfect day. your page is beautiful. hugs Betty

Random Acts of Kindness
Random Acts of Kindness

Chilady - 08/21/00 11:01:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/2418

I wish you a very Happy Birthday! May all your dreams & wishes come true!!

Aunt Lynnie - 08/21/00 09:35:33
My URL:http://auntlynnie.freeservers.com
My Email:AuntLynnieCooks@aol.com

Hi Margaret! Just stopping in with Happy Birthday wishes. Hope you have a wonderful day :)

Aunt Lynnie's Kitchen

JanDee - 08/20/00 19:59:20
My URL:http://Jansgardenoflove.hoomestead.com/index.html
My Email:Jand1947@ameritech.net

Happy Birthday to you!!!! I hope your day is filled with lots of love. Sunshine kisses and butterfly rainbows. Lots of cake and ice cream. Oh and lets not forget the presents!!!!!"S"

Random Acts of Kindness

gabrielle - 08/09/00 19:56:13

nice page good help for when your baby sitting

Daniel Paruta - 07/31/00 12:56:37
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/DJP52/DansPage
My Email:DJP52@webtv.net

I like the set up and background. Do you have any info for typing up a resume so that I can print it out?

Daniel Paruta - 07/31/00 12:56:23
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/DJP52/DansPage
My Email:DJP52@webtv.net

I like the set up and background. Do you have any info for typing up a resume so that I can print it out?

Bobbie Coller - 07/25/00 07:37:23
My Email:bcoller@paulbunyan.net

I just took a short peek and I like what I see. Thank you and I will be visiting soon. Bobbie

Baywatch Babe - 07/24/00 23:46:49
My Email:rezy48@webtv.net

Sorry i have to contact you this way but my beach game e-mails are going to you but you are not receiving them Please dont think i have forgotten abut you because i havent I want to bless you with nice things so i will keep sending them in hopes that soon you will start receiving them The Baywatch Babe

Lovingsummer - 07/24/00 13:30:42
My Email:lovingsummer@webtv.net

very nice page i have saved it for later to checkout all the great page you have very nice job.

Katie - 07/22/00 02:48:37
My Email:kakes88@hotmail.com

Your Website is really cool!I don't have a url.SORRY

Deborah Russell - 07/16/00 12:07:28
My URL:http://memberpage.women.com/art/sellwein2/index.html
My Email:sellwein@hotmail.com

What an extensive page...not hard to do once you get "the bug"... I enjoyed your links to Boston. Thanks for the visit... Deborah

Susan Taylor - 07/13/00 19:02:19
My Email:staylor@cloh.net

This was a very enjoyable site.

Horst - 06/27/00 23:40:30
My URL:http://home.t-online.de/home/horst.berka/
My Email:horst.berka@t-online.de

Hallo, Du hast eine sehr schoene Hp. Ich werde sehr gerne wieder her kommen. Viele Gruesse Horst

Angel Blue Eyes - 06/20/00 18:56:38
My URL:http://welcome.to/DivineAngels
My Email:divineangels@yahoo.com


You are cordially invited to join The Divine Angels in our Grand Opening. The Divine Angels is a new internet group devoted to women. A safe place where members can join together to discuss their problems, stories, and lives. A place to have laughs, meet new friends and make lasting memories. We have several wonderful committees for members to become involved in. And are looking for several staff members to become Committee Leaders. We do hope you will consider joining our group or our webring. Love and Laughs...The Divine Angels

Vicki - 06/18/00 12:06:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh2/vwick
My Email:vwick@hotmail.com

Hi Margaret!
Thanks so much for stopping by Vicki's Place and leaving such kind words behind! :)
I enjoyed my visit very much! Thanks for sharing!
Stop back again anytime! You're always welcome!
Take care!

Welcome To Vicki's Place!

Lisa - 06/12/00 20:31:23
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/VaGirl27/LiSaAkAvAgIrL27
My Email:VaGirl27@webtv.net

great page

donna - 06/11/00 17:36:41
My Email:dwedd@webtv.net

I love your site and I visit often

SueCat - 05/28/00 17:26:44
My URL:http://www.sjcreations.com/parade.htm
My Email:sjc@sjcreations.com

Just stopped in along the parade route to view your lovely webhome. I am having a great time!

Teresa - 05/28/00 16:54:42
My URL:http://redrival.com/tntgraphics
My Email:justmetee@netzero.net


Hi Margaret! Been Having Computer Problems So I am A Bit Late. Just Catchin' Up In Travlin' The First Ever RAOK Friendship Parade...

Lyn aka Plumpster - 05/24/00 15:40:30
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/magic/492
My Email:plumpster@home.com


Hiya...just dropping in with the Friendship Parade...was so glad to have this time to visit you and get to know you just a bit...Thank you for sharing... Plumpster.. Wishing you a Great day...

Diane - 05/21/00 13:21:40
My URL:http://www.gepcotoes.com/heartland/ridge/9998/
My Email:diane6554@aolcom

Hi Margaret I just was passing by the friendship parade and stpped to say hello and let you know i really enjoyed your site. Please know your in my thoughts and prayers and have a grreat day. Higs Your RAOK sister Diane :)

Random Acts of Kindness

Lady Sunshine - 05/20/00 20:42:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/msgtswife
My Email:msgtswife@hotmail.com

Stopping by on the Friendship Parade to say hi! Really enjoyed my visit!!

Random Acts of Kindness

luterana - 05/16/00 01:41:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/9563/index.html
My Email:luterana@sc.rr.com

You have a wonderful site! Congratulations on your diplomas! I have enjoyed my stop here on the friendship parade.

Wendy - 05/15/00 21:23:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/w_madison
My Email:w_madison@yahoo.com

Just stopping in from the parade. I really enjoyed my rest stop here, and thanks for visiting me!

Random Acts of Kindness

betty - 05/15/00 11:58:24
My Email:BETTY_BOOP69@webtv.net


Stephanie Wilkinson - 05/15/00 00:56:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/myfriends
My Email:wilkied@nb.sympatico.ca

You have a very nice site and great for kids too I enjoyed my visit here very much.

Random Acts of Kindness

Missybelle - 05/12/00 16:12:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/missybelle1/
My Email:missybelle1@hotmail.com

I'm stopping by to say hello during the RAOK friendship parade! I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed visiting your beautiful pages. Hugs, Missybelle

Random Acts of Kindness

Ruth aka arcy - 05/12/00 05:42:06
My URL:http://not yet
My Email:higg@hutchtel.net

Enjoy your site, especially the pretty flowers and little fairies. Just adorable. Your RAOK sis wishes you the best in life. Ruth

Richard Lowe - 05/12/00 04:13:07
My URL:http://internet-tips.net
My Email:richlowe@pacbell.net

Very nice site. Thanks for sharing. Richard Lowe

Thanks for creating such a wonderful site. I enjoyed my visit. Random Acts of Kindness

Amber - 05/12/00 03:29:32
My URL:/kiddosmama/a_mommas_life.html
My Email:john.amber@ns.sympatico.ca

Dear Margaret, Just l'il ol me sending a l'il bit of friendship your way today! ((hugs))

Kath - 05/11/00 23:48:02
My Email:KathsLilOnes@aol.com


Happy Friendship Parade Day

Beautiful Home - Hope you are having a great day today:-)


Random Acts of Kindness

Kaths Lil Ones

Kate - 05/11/00 18:58:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pastrykate/
My Email:caitlingal@prodigy.net

Dear Margaret, My kits and I have very much enjoyed our visit today..do drop by, we love company!! ((hugs)) Kate

Random Acts of Kindness

RiRi - 05/11/00 18:14:48
My URL:/Wellesley/Garden/5475
My Email:riri2000@optonline.net


Dear Margaret,<
Friends are those who make you laugh yet wipe your tears away. Just thought I'd share them with you-your page is pretty nice
Random Acts of Kindness Friendship Parade
Random Acts of Kindness

MrsGrace - 05/11/00 17:34:32
My Email:mrsjgrace@yahoo.com

Hello!! Just stopping by on the RAOK Friendship Parade!! What a great page. I will be sending the link to my mom who just got Webtv a few months ago. She will love it! Have a great day and keep up the great work!

Random Acts of Kindness

Anna - 05/11/00 14:43:10
My URL:http://bosset.homestead.com/index.html
My Email:skbosset@hotmail.com

*~*~*Hello wishing you a happy ROAK Day*~*~* I love your site Thank-you for sharing it with us Love N Hugs Anna x

Random Acts of Kindness

Wendy - 05/11/00 14:40:44
My URL:http://personal.alt.bellsouth.net/~madone
My Email:madone@bellsouth.net

Hi RAOK friend! I enjoyed visiting you today!

Random Acts of Kindness

Billie - 04/29/00 10:52:48
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/peppi3/BilliesHomePage
My Email:peppi3@webtv.net

I love your homepage. You just about everything. Great job. I will be back. Huggs Billie

Susan - 04/24/00 05:37:40
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/SWFQQ4LUV/QQS
My Email:SWFQQ4LUV@webtv.net

I REALLY ENJOYED YOUR WEB SITE!!!!! I think you have a great site for kids and adults alike. Everyone enjoys making things and printing them out even WEB TV'ERS!!!! Sorry about double send, I forgot (s) on end of url....and without it, it won't go.

Susan - 04/24/00 05:33:36
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/SWFQQ4LUV/QQ
My Email:SWFQQ4LUV@webtv.net

I REALLY ENJOYED YOUR WEB SITE!!!!! I think you have a great site for kids and adults alike. Everyone enjoys making things and printing them out even WEB TV'ERS!!!!

HonNee - 04/24/00 05:30:10
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/HonNeeBear/HonNeesHome
My Email:HonNeeBear@webtv.net

Thank you so much for all the printables for the web tv. I have a 2 year old grandbaby that loves Pooh and has her bedroom decorated in all kinds of Pooh things. I printed a calendar, and a play set for her. Come visit my website and see a picture of h r (Kiera).

andrea - 04/13/00 19:57:06

Thank you for the great printables. My son wanted ALL the Power Rangers! Very nice, thanks!

- 04/08/00 16:28:19


west - 03/30/00 21:14:26
My Email:west@home.com

I'm astar

FlowerPowerGirl88 - 03/30/00 01:29:56

I think this site is really cool!Good job

DDTamiSue - 03/27/00 20:21:44
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:DDTamiSue@aol.com


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.

Jamicka Barnes - 03/27/00 19:36:39
My Email:jamicka@sybercom.net

Very Creative and nice.

-=Form@tjee=- - 03/23/00 07:45:16
My URL:http://users.pandora.be/formatjee
My Email:formatjee@mail-oostende.net

You have a very nice site.I have enjoyed,have the greetings from Belgium and hope to see you soon. Whenever you return this visit,do not forget to leave your link in my linksbook.Ciao

- 03/18/00 00:22:45


SILKY - 03/11/00 14:40:48
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/MR_SILKY_BLK/SILKYSMAGICALMUSIC
My Email:mr_silky_blk@webtv.net

excellent webpage....put together great....keep up the good work..~~peace~~

Larry - 03/10/00 15:30:03
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Tribe-Fanz/LarrysLittleShopOf
My Email:Tribe-Fanz@webtv.net

Very nice web page. Lots of great links. I will be back.

KAREN GRAY - 03/08/00 04:08:46
My Email:kgray@allwest.net


LARISSA - 03/08/00 03:50:42
My Email:ciceprincess@yahoo.com

you have the best page i have ever seen. I really enjoyed it.

stevie - 03/07/00 21:12:36
My Email:stevie@BRANDYWINE.NET


stevie - 03/07/00 21:09:59
My Email:stevie@BRANDYWINE.NET


Stephanie Dilley - 03/04/00 15:51:51
My Email:mapadill@ccp.com

I love to print your pages!

Stephanie Dilley - 03/04/00 15:47:24
My URL:http:// www.ccp.com
My Email:mapadill@ccp.com

I love to print your pages!

Shell - 02/25/00 06:59:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me3/foranimals/home.html
My Email:theanimalspirit@aol.com

You have done a great job on your site. When you have time, please visit the web site for "Inner Dreams" and consider joining. We would love to have you with us! Take care ~Shell~ (http://innerdreams.org)

Zachary - 02/21/00 04:23:22
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/TazZacDB/TazsHomePage
My Email:TazZacDB@webtv.net


Zachary - 02/21/00 04:22:41
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/TazZacDB/TazsHomePage
My Email:TazZadDB@webtv.net


bishoy - 02/17/00 02:43:31


MELANIE - 02/07/00 20:21:58
My Email:friendsalways@webtv.net

thank you so much for making such a wonderful sight!! i have printed out so much for my kids... my son has a rough time with his words so the word flash cards are great!!! thank you again & keep up the good work... GOD BLESS YOU!!

Janice - 02/02/00 18:29:23
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/JaniceinSpring/WELCOMETOMYLITTLE/index.html
My Email:JaniceinSpring@webtv.net

What wonderful pages.Enjoyed learning more about Boston.Haven't checked out all of your links, still several to do,so will be back.When you've time stop in my corner and take a trip with me.I think you will enjoy it. Thanks for sharing.

Khiry - 01/30/00 20:20:51
My Email:Khiry-F@webtv.net


Tony - 01/30/00 12:33:45
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/mrlottery/EladLottery
My Email:mrlottery@webtv.net

Hello There, I made it here! You have a GREAT looking page here. I will tell all my friends about this page. Thank-You for the page.

Chalice - 01/29/00 03:49:18
My Email:chalice29@webtv.net

Ienjoyed your site thanks for sharing with us.

LORIE NELSON - 01/27/00 02:32:10
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/GoldieandTbear/MothersLove/
My Email:goldieandtbear@webtv.net

Great site......keep up the good work. I've enjoyed looking at ur site.

Ellie - 01/22/00 05:08:33
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/ellie/index.html
My Email:GeeEmerald@webtv.net

your site is so pretty, just luv it..one of the nicest I've seen 'smile' Come visit with me and sign my guestbook..

Ralph again - 01/14/00 01:36:53
My URL:http:// some day
My Email:ralph-1@webtv.net

Margaret, I went back and re-read your thanks section and I noted that you used "there" twice instead of "their" and just before that you (I believe) omitted "up" regarding putting "up" I know you want to make it perfect and every little bit helps.

Ralph - 01/14/00 01:26:07
My URL:http://not yet
My Email:ralph-1@webtv.net

Yes ! I sure did enjoy your html art work. I remember now what possibly raised the question in your mind. I tried to make a correction apparent to you without being blunt and direct and have you take exception to a constructive critique. You accidently us d "there" instead of "their" somewhere early on in your very nice "site" or "page" btw which is correct? you owe me one. haha

Dianne - 01/13/00 00:13:07
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/DianneC
My Email:DianneC@webtv.net

Your site is wonderful. I really enjoyed it you really put a lot of work into it.

ralph - 01/12/00 04:44:43
My Email:ralph-1@webtv.net

there - their "it's their house and you go there"

Draac - 01/12/00 03:32:44
My URL:http://gifs123.tripod.com
My Email:webmaster@draac.com

Hi, thanks for signing my guest book. You have a cool page here...very nice work...:+) And yes, my plate does say Draac, next time you see me give a beep with the horn..:+)

JoanFecteau - 01/08/00 20:01:31
My Email:JoanCaron@webtv.net

Hi: Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your web page. I just received a printer for xmas, so I am now having fun with all of the "printables." Thanks for all your efforts.

jane - 01/04/00 10:27:49
My URL:http://users.cnmnetwork.com/~mink/jez.html
My Email:mink@cnmnetwork.com

free MARK KRISCHAK music!!! come by... your mom will be glad you did jane

Stephen Boursy - 01/03/00 03:37:56
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net

Enjoyed your Boston page (I'm from Boston too). The Boston Common photo link seems broken though--I'd like to see the photo's when you get them up. Nicely done site.

Debbie - 01/02/00 02:05:22
My Email:griffeygang@webtv.net


tammy - 12/31/99 02:10:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wa/tillinghast/
My Email:kickedinthehead@hotmail.com

Beautiful page, very interesting. webTV is pretty cool, isn't it?=) keep up the most excellent work, come to my page and sign the guestbook ... happy new year!

Em - 12/13/99 02:55:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/trailblzer/index.html
My Email:penn58@hotmail.com


Hi Margaret, Enjoyed your pages and I will be sure to keep checking back..Please come visit me too!

Rev. Johannes Erich Myors - 12/03/99 17:18:20
My Email:pprayers@yahoo.com

Shalom from a new member of RAOK. Moved into a dwelling on "Kindness Street" a little over a month ago.

Anne-Marie - 11/27/99 11:23:10
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/webbie482/StopInAndVisit
My Email:webbie482@webtv.net

Margaret...this webpage is outstanding. It is so informative, not to mention beautifully done....love Anne-Marie

Anne-Marie - 11/27/99 11:22:24
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/webbie482/StopInAndVisit
My Email:webbie482@webtv.net

Margaret...this webpage is outstanding. It is so informative, not to mention beautifully done....love Anne-Marie

carla ball - 11/21/99 17:30:00
My Email:CARLA@ukwebsite.zzn.com

the reason for my being in here today i have to take my son to a b-day party of a three year old and we were looking for printable cards

steven - 11/21/99 03:22:47


steven - 11/21/99 03:04:07
My Email:kdss_jenkins@msn.com


Karen - 11/14/99 22:41:03
My URL:http://members.aol.com/angel9oh7/index.html
My Email:angel9oh7@aol.com

Margaret...Thanks so much for sharing your talents. I had a great time here. Sooo many links to follow, my grandchildren will love the printables. Loved meeting your family through your photo page. GREAT job!!

Michelle - 11/08/99 07:48:07
My URL:/Paris/Musee/5669
My Email:wishmisstress@webtv.net

Thank you for visiting my site and your kind words, you have a FANTASTIC site, well designed and easy to navigate, I have truly enjoyed my visit and shall return.

Lindy Jo Jones - 11/07/99 07:09:21
My URL:/Athens/Olympus/5818/index.html
My Email:lindyjo@geocities.com

Hi Zooa! Wonderful work you have done here on your pages. It was my pleasure to visit you tonight. I liked your poems and it is so nice of you to provide a page of html help for everyone. I too am a new member of ROAK and really like it.
Warm smil ,

LYNN WILLIAMS - 10/04/99 22:25:03
My Email:breeze1999@webtv.net

i really enjoyed your web site.

Blueyes & GreyWolf - 09/30/99 17:59:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3542
My Email:svia@bellsouth.net


We enjoyed your page very much. Thank you for sharing. You have done a fantastic job. Please visit our pages when you get the time! Thanks!
~GreyWolf & Blueyes~

PS. We both ffer an award for many things, such as: Harley Pages, Web Page excellence, and for true romance, be sure to apply for one!

marymcburnie - 09/20/99 13:59:09
My URL:http://aol.com
My Email:bdcook 8748

marget its pritty cool your halloween page like it very much you have to teach me how to make a home page on my pc so some day you can come over and help me make on e ok well at least i sign it lol only kidding its really nice i hope frosty likes it bye or now mary

Faith - 09/19/99 02:54:48
My URL:http://come.to/christmastime
My Email:muppet03@hotmail.com

You're site is great.. you're right Halloween is coming fast!

June - 09/14/99 14:21:10
My Email:junebugdjt@go.com


Tracy - 09/05/99 19:39:45
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/tracy7391
My Email:Tracy7391@aol.com

Great page! I been looking for power ranger coloring pages and you did a good job with them! Both of my boys love them! You made there day!

Justina - 09/02/99 04:06:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/Nashville/Stage/8559/index.html
My Email:justinalee1@webtv.net

Hi Margaret, Surfed on in from GREENJACKETS for a visit. Great job!

Fred Graham - 08/26/99 23:36:27
My Email:wngraham@webtv.net

I think your home page is wonderful and beautiful. God Bless Fred

Kimmy Smith - 08/26/99 23:13:07
My URL:http://www.kimmysmith.com
My Email:http://www.kimmysmith.com

Wonderful site. Visit my site if you get a chance.

Laura - 08/26/99 03:17:38
My Email:laura@cruisenet.net

Love the scenery and esp. love the music "Please Mr. Postman!"

Sunshine - 08/25/99 00:27:16
My URL:http://www.freemall.com/SL&R
My Email:sunlolrain@hotmail.com

Hey there. Nice web page ya got here. I really like the photos and printable pages. Thanks for stopping by my site.

teresa - 08/23/99 08:31:38
My Email:ferby12@webtv

i enjoyed your page wish i had one. maybe one day love to chat with you. god bless andkeep u in his willis my prayer.

Kathleen - 08/20/99 12:08:07
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Lady_Girl_00/index.html
My Email:k_demille@hotmail.com

Cool site I like it. Keep up the good work God Bless you Angle kisses and Bear hugs Kathleen

mack - 08/09/99 21:55:23
My URL:www.geocities.com/~-mack/
My Email:mack@fastlane.net

Margaret. You are doing great. Page looks super. Keep up the good work. Coffee awaits you in Texas.

Annemarie - 08/08/99 02:33:42
My Email:webbie482@webtv.net

Margaret, you have done a beautiful job with this homepage. I truly enjoyed browsing through it.. Love annemarie

maureen - 08/06/99 10:08:23
My Email:mcwmom@webtv.net

what a delight to browse your page. love kids site and u have a beautiful family. you are a very special lady in my opinion. thank u for sharing

martin - 08/06/99 09:22:08
My URL:http://www.bletro.nl/martin
My Email:martin@bletro.nl


Sandy - 07/31/99 02:35:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/in/sandyb
My Email:sandisandpaper@webtv.net

Great pages! I liked all the links for kids. Good for my 2 1/2 yr old grandaughter! Thanks for sharing it.

julian - 07/24/99 17:27:51
My URL:http://none
My Email:rangerblue@webtv.net

I love you

Tracy Dotson - 07/21/99 02:37:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/firstnamesinc/index.html
My Email:tadot@eastky.net

very nice looks like you put a lot of work into it hope to see you at my webpage soon have a great day

Rosie - 07/18/99 12:48:23

Love your flowers

Brittany - 07/16/99 05:00:04

I lke your page very much is cool.

rosebudflower - 07/13/99 12:51:17
My URL:http://rosebudflower
My Email:rrbt@webtv.net

Margie great job very coloful

rosebudflower - 07/13/99 12:50:52
My URL:http://rosebudflower
My Email:rrbt@webtv.net

Margie great job very coloful

Michele - 07/05/99 23:47:21
My URL:http://expage.com/page/michelesstuff
My Email:michele_1@zdnetmail.com

I love your site. The kids printable page is a wonderful idea. I never heard of that stuff until I seen your site. You have done a great job. You also have a beautiful family. Michele

don and earlene - 07/01/99 12:06:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/4027/
My Email:don800@webtv.net

Loved your pages. you did great.(there's a space between the i and g in sign my guestbook) :-) You will most likely find many goofs in ours. Oh well thats the fun of learning and building. anyway, loved you pages. don and wife.

rod hubbell - 07/01/99 03:31:07
My Email:Rod_hubbell@webtv.net

my grandchildren will love this.

Ron - 06/30/99 01:20:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/il2/MrSands/index.html
My Email:MrSandman41@webtv.net

Hi i'm on the greenjacket list and i saw your home page addy. Well being nosey i had to take a peek ~grin~ You have a very nice place here and i enjoyed my visit a lot. I'm glad i stopped in and your more than welcome to browse around my site when you have time.Take Care

Jamie - 06/29/99 23:00:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/EnchantedForest/Creek/8514/
My Email:StarsNMyEyes@webtv.net

Good work on your new site!! Great Kids pages - I'll be back to see more - Smiles :-)

Rosezan - 06/29/99 09:31:12
My Email:Rodu2@webtv.net

I am new at this not sure what to put in for the url.

gary - 06/24/99 11:32:04
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/ConstitutionAve/grb1
My Email:gary_braun@webtv.net

Margret I must say you have a most enjoyable site you grankids are very cute.I hope you continue to add to the site. You did an excellent job, you have a lot of nice sites. I will let my daughter visit your kid sites I thing she would have a great deal of fun.

Rob Nease - 06/21/99 20:18:31
My URL:http://www.robnease.findhere.com
My Email:RANease@aol.com

Wonderful page with nice graphics :) Keep up the great work! Rob

kim - 06/19/99 06:05:21
My URL:/SouthBeach/Docks/6465/
My Email:zuca@webtv.net

your page looks great keep it up. there is always new stuff when i come and visit. kim

Jon&Serena - 06/11/99 08:18:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Bay/1151/JonSerena.HTML

WoNdErFuL WoNdErFuL WoNdErFuL WoNdErFuL HoMePaGe !!!

Els - 06/10/99 16:50:16
My URL:http://users.telekabel.nl/el7bbs
My Email:el7bbs@telekabel.nl

Hi ,Just a note..
A friend is someone who brings you joy, that lasts a lifetime through.
Wish you alot love, happiness and health. With Love.. Els.

Click Here For Your Escape From Reality

Draas - 06/10/99 01:13:45
My URL:http://www.draac.com/colorchart.html
My Email:lunamoon@webtv.net

Nice page you have put together here, and its always nice to see someone dedicate some time and space on their site for the kiddies... thanks for sharing all your work with us.

BERNICE IVANOV - 06/04/99 14:59:33
My Email:Birdie62@webtv.net

thank you so much, this is great for the kids especially with school being out. thank you again!

olebat(Laura) - 06/03/99 02:13:32
My Email:olebat@webtv.net

I really like this set-up of yours! BEAUTIFUL JOB! I also think your e mail page is beautiful. Proper word would be CLASSY!!!!!

olebat(Laura) - 06/03/99 02:13:20
My Email:olebat@webtv.net

I really like this set-up of yours! BEAUTIFUL JOB! I also think your e mail page is beautiful. Proper word would be CLASSY!!!!!

olebat(Laura) - 06/03/99 02:12:33
My Email:olebat@webtv.net

I really like this set-up of yours! BEAUTIFUL JOB! I also think your e mail page is beautiful. Proper word would be CLASSY!!!!!

olebat(Laura) - 06/03/99 02:10:25
My Email:olebat@webtv.net

I really like this set-up of yours! BEAUTIFUL JOB!

olebat(Laura) - 06/03/99 02:09:53
My Email:olebat@webtv.net

I really like this set-up of yours! BEAUTIFUL JOB!

Nighthawk - 05/30/99 21:55:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/SWTRADINGCO/index.html
My Email:nativeamericans@mindspring.com

You have a Wonderful family, wonderful site and a great hobby. I enjoyed my visit, thank you very much for putting up such a refreshing site.

Nighthawk - 05/30/99 21:08:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/SWTRADINGCO/index.html
My Email:nativeamericans@mindspring.com

A wonderful site, exquisite. I will pass it along to all my friends and contacts. Well done.

Nighthawk - 05/30/99 21:06:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/SWTRADINGCO/index.html
My Email:nativeamericans@mindspring.com

A wonderful site, exquisite in design and delivery. You have done well and I will return often. I am going to pass your url along to all my friends and contacts.

Charlotte Werblun - 05/29/99 22:22:30
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~WerblunC/index.html
My Email:cmwerblun@webtv.net

Love your pages. You are very good at it. Beautiful family. I also liked the kids printables. Glad I visited. I am fairly new at this. Got my webtv.plus in Oct.98. There is so much to see and learn. Charlotte

Charlotte Werblun - 05/29/99 22:22:13
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~WerblunC/index.html
My Email:cmwerblun@webtv.net

Love your pages. You are very good at it. Beautiful family. I also liked the kids printables. Glad I visited. I am fairly new at this. Got my webtv.plus in Oct.98. There is so much to see and learn. Charlotte

- 05/29/99 13:47:18


Fila - 05/29/99 13:47:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/fila
My Email:filafeen@webtv.net

I have never been here before, wonder how I managed to miss it:) You have some great links, very useful, also some printables links that I have never seen before. I wish you the best of luck with your site:) Take care!

Fila - 05/29/99 13:46:16
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/fila/
My Email:filafeen@webtv.net

I have never been here before, wonder how I managed to miss it:) You have some great links, very useful, also some printables links that I have never seen before. I wish you the best of luck with your site:) Take care!

Fila - 05/29/99 13:46:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/fila/
My Email:filafeen@webtv.net

I have never been here before, wonder how I managed to miss it:) You have some great links, very useful, also some printables links that I have never seen before. I wish you the best of luck with your site:) Take care!

Barbara - 05/22/99 19:31:48
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/barbaraann
My Email:barbaralewis52@hotmail.com

Love your site. I also have a webtv, it's amazing what you can do without a computer. Again, you've done a good job here. Please drop by and check mine out, be sure to sign my guest book. I love hearing from people everywhere.

Patricia - 05/22/99 19:30:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/lady
My Email:mandm14@atlantic.net

Your site is very beautiful, I enjoyed it. I will be back to see any changes in the future. I really like the fairies. Please come and see my site and sign my book. Pat

Lady Oh - 05/20/99 14:37:04
My URL:http://members.ripod.com/LadyOh
My Email:Lady_Oh@webtv.net

I can't get over what a beautiful site you have here. I have spent some time looking around and found one thing more interesting and more beautiful than the one before. Blessings...Lady Oh

Lady Sparklez - 05/19/99 21:07:05
My URL:http://www.therumbles.net/
My Email:ladysparklez@therumbles.net


The Rumbles

The Rumbles

This is Lady Sparklez, here to
cordially invite you to join The Rumbles!

The Rumbles is a website competition where people with personal
pages can compete against each other to find the best site :)

Come and join and see what its all about! Hope to see you there!!!

~Lady Sparklez - Sara's Sparklin' Page!
ladysparklez@therumbles.net - email me :)

Gramma Nancy - 05/18/99 03:18:17
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~ncoleman1/
My Email:ncoleman1@earthlink.net

I'm enjoying visiting your site and learning more about you, and webtv, too. I still have more to look at, but wanted to make sure I signed! Thanks for visiting me. Hugs, Gramma Nancy

Mama Ritz - 05/18/99 02:08:21
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~ritz2/
My Email:ritz2@earthlink.net

HI Margaret, Thank you for visiting the Ritz Cyber ZOO~ and for signing the guestbook. I enjoyed my visit to your website this evening. You did a great job~ I like the backgrounds.

Chilady - 05/18/99 00:58:52

Thank you so much for the lovely comments you wrote in my GB & for the sweet RAOK gift, as well!

I have really enjoyed my visit here. You also have some adorable adoptions & I loved the poem.


kim - 05/14/99 21:25:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/6465/
My Email:zuca@webtv.net

wow this page is looking great!!!!! you did a wonderful job. my kids love the kids printables. great site.

karen - 05/13/99 14:37:42
My Email:septangel@webtv.net

great page keep up the good work

Ana - 05/12/99 20:13:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/4612/love.html
My Email:ana_banana54@hotmail.com

Hello! You have sucb a great page! I had fun going through all your pages!!! Keep up the great work! Love~ Ana

Jackie - 05/12/99 13:29:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/mellocup9/grid1.html
My Email:jrayner@teleclipse.net

Really enjoyed my stay here. Thanks for sharing. center>

Thomas Horne - 05/12/99 03:42:34
My URL:http://home.att.net/~tomhorne
My Email:tomhorne@yahoo.com

a nice web site...come and visit us and apply for H&H Tutorials award...Tom and Faye

JoAnn - 05/12/99 03:20:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Shores/3387
My Email:blondie@panacom.com

Hi Margaret, I just wanted to stop by and Welcome you to R.A.O.K. I know you will Love this Wonderful Group as much as I do ! : ) You have a Great Homepage , your family is Beautiful ! : ) Love and Blessings , JoAnn

Welcome To RAOK

shauna - 05/12/99 03:11:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc/shaunabear/index.html

What an adventure. Thanks for sharing all this great stuff. I think I spent over an hour here already. I will definatley be back. Glad you joined ROAK. Hope you have a great day.

GentleSpirit - 05/11/99 23:22:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/7229
My Email:gentlespirit99@hotmail.com

Hello Margaret and welcome to Random Acts of Kindness. It's a pleasure having you on board and I'm sure belonging to RAOK will be a positive experience to you. I loved your site, it was great!!

Lisa(Josie) - 05/11/99 17:14:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Josie/place.html
My Email:josiesplace@yahoo.com

What a terrific site :)Welcome to RAOK

Ishaah - 05/11/99 04:52:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/5626
My Email:ishaah@intercomm.com

Just dropping in to extend a BIG, warm welcome to RAOK, and leave a little gift for you. So happy you have joined our wonderful group, and I know you will enjoy.

~Out of all the treasures in the world there is nothing more precious than giving someone a piece of your heart~

Cyn - 05/11/99 03:36:55
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/LadyCyn
My Email:cynnamon@ix.netcom.com

Hi and welcome to RAOK. The page is just lovely ! Keep up the good work

Louise - 05/11/99 03:13:29
My URL:/RodeoDrive/Mall/4584
My Email:louloubel@webtv.net

WOW. Lot's of great link's. your page look great. keep up the good job. I love your printable page there's lot's there for the kiddie's. I'll be back soon for the upadate's. .

Meneka - 05/10/99 23:58:42
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~meneka.html
My Email:ilagan@hotmail.com

Hi Warm welcome to RAOK, You have very nice page. I enjoyed my visit, I hope you enjoy this group as much as I do :), again welcome,welcome.

Lady Amethyst - 05/10/99 21:24:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~ladyamethyst2
My Email:theprayerlady@yahoo.com

Welcome to RAOK. I hope you will enjoy being a member as much as I do.

Michael - 05/10/99 21:22:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7535
My Email:beaconhope@geocities.com

Welcome to RAOK. We are glad to have you with us.

Lisa-Willow - 05/10/99 18:09:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Garden/1795/index.html
My Email:princessgirly@geocities.com

I just stopped by to welcome you to Random Acts of Kindness and leave you a little welcomeing gift I hope you like being a part of this group as much as I do and we are so happy to have you with us.

Joan - 05/10/99 17:53:17
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/Wrights/index.html
My Email:trouble@telplus.net

Welcome to Random Acts Of Kindness. You have a great home page and I have enjoyed my visit. Have a wonderful day.

Jean - 05/10/99 17:18:13
My URL:http://www.users.uswest.net/~jmw5171
My Email:jmw5171@uswest.net

Welcome to RAOK!

Jo - 05/10/99 17:12:07
My URL:http://www.geocities/com/Heartland/Bluffs/9748/index.html
My Email:auntijo44@aol.com

Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness Webring! Your site is wonderful and have bookmarked it to come and visit again!

Betty - 05/10/99 16:45:38
My Email:tulden@xs4all.nl

Welcome to our wonderful group, hope you will feel right at home with us.

Welcome To RAOK

Hi, Enjoyed my stay on your pages very much!

Kodesmom - 05/10/99 15:01:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9839
My Email:rkfogg@ttlc.net

Welcome to 'Random Acts Of Kindness'!! :o) I'm so happy you've decided to join our wonderful group! *hugs* ~Kodesmom~

Sandee - 05/10/99 14:45:21
My URL:http://marina.fortunecity.com/seaview/358/
My Email:sandee_beach@yahoo.com

Welcome to our Random Acts Of Kindness family!

Shell - 05/10/99 14:03:49
My URL:http://freeweb.digiweb.com/people/collective/index.html
My Email:shell@most-wanted.com

I'd like to welcome you to RAOK! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Ladywolf in Mo - 05/10/99 13:46:30
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/marina/shoreside/124/LadywolfinMo2.html
My Email:spangler@pbmo.net

Hi Welcome to the Random Act of Kindness Web Ring. Nice place you have here keep up the good work. *S*

SueCat - 05/10/99 13:23:04
My URL:http://freecenter.digiweb.com/family/SueCat
My Email:sjcurry@lycosmail.com

Hi and welcome to RAOK! Good luck with your web page... looks good so far.

MondayRose - 05/10/99 11:02:00
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/aserio/mondayrose.html
My Email:amserio@aol.com

Welcome to RAOK. It is a pleasure to have . Your pages are just GREAT keep up the good work.

Pearl of Asia - 05/09/99 16:28:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Kaede/8645/
My Email:pearlofasia@sade.com

Great job!!!!!!!!!! Margaret

Grantique - 05/09/99 13:50:28
My URL:http://members.aol.com/MindSalad/Grantique3.htm
My Email:MindSalad@aol.com


MAtiLDA` - 05/05/99 07:26:09
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Romantic_Heights
My Email:hawazin@youpy.com

Comments:Thank You..."A thousand four-leaf cloversto bring you good luck Hello:;This Is MAtiLDA`. Actually It Is A NICE HOMEPAGEDEAR KEEP IT UP & WELL DONE :)7^WonDerS
jeremy - 04/10/99 14:56:57
My Email:animalkids

nana you have a great page

Ronaldo Correa - 03/27/99 20:09:03


Ronaldo Correa - 03/27/99 20:04:08


mary - 03/26/99 23:54:42
My Email:bdcook8748

hi margret your furby is so cute i did play it and you did a good job on your home page have a good week end seeya mary

Nola - 03/26/99 22:39:16
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/jabberway/kandiekiss
My Email:ngreen@yourinter.net

very lovely site. I like how you have it laid out. If you get a chance please come visit me at mine!!!! Kandiekiss

jeffrey Gilmore - 03/25/99 23:43:03
My Email:tooldude62

I found you / I am sure you will be able to send the kids things this time to the corect address, i will see you tomorow :-)

mary - 03/25/99 00:26:47
My Email:bdcook8748


Michelle - 03/24/99 18:21:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~guitartoy/index.html
My Email:guitartoy@earthlink.net

just passing through, for your first page, you are off to a really goos start. You have some very helpful links

rene' - 03/23/99 02:39:29
My Email:howtv@wbtv.net

Thanks a lot for mailing me your homepage.I really enjoyed my visit there(very helpful). God Bless Rene'

Wanda Larsen - 03/22/99 20:26:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/ligthouse99/index.html
My Email:garn@webtv.net

I like what you have done here, thanks for more great links.

Paul - 03/20/99 01:13:02
My Email:eladluap@aol.com

It took a little bit of searching, but I finally found your page. I must say that I am impressed. I did have a bit of a problem getting past the first page. The address you gave me was not correct and I had to do a search. Your page came up twice in a sea ch under "zooa". See you Monday.

Dan Bridge - 03/19/99 02:26:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/ridge/7454/index.html
My Email:danbridg@gte.net

Nice home page ya have here! I enjoyed it throughly.

Mary - 03/14/99 14:51:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/8368/index.html
My Email:seagull5@webtv.net

What great links you have on your page. Wonderful job!

Tegan - 03/13/99 06:34:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Exhibit/7168
My Email:chips87@hotmail.com

Hi! I really enjoyed having a look around your home page. It looks great!

Wanda - 03/11/99 18:04:25
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/lighthouse99/index.html
My Email:garn@webtv.net

Started in a cooking newsgroup looking for printable recipe cards. Great Pages!

Cathy - 03/08/99 20:43:57
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~TogetherForever_2/index.html
My Email:LuckyRed@webtv.net

Wow!! What a GREAT Page you have!!! This is one of the best sites I have seen,,to help with webtv.! I'll be back often! (now you counter is gonna get broken) LOL BYE4NOW!

Diana (Dolphin's Dream) - 03/06/99 19:27:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/dianaclaire/index.html
My Email:Diana13@webtv.net

Great pages! I enjoyed my visit very much. You have a very lovely looking family.

zuilda - 03/06/99 18:39:27
My Email:zuca@webtv.net

great page. i like your angels.

George (gjz¿¿¿) - 03/06/99 06:29:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~opinion2/invite.html
My Email:gjz@webtv.net

Had a nice visit to your homepage.You also have very good links.

Adrianne - 03/02/99 01:09:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/MyCoverGirl
My Email:MyCoverGirl@webtv.net

Hi! I really enjoyed your page :-) The Recipe for Friendship was really neat. Keep up the good work. Adrianne

Julian - 02/28/99 20:04:51
My Email:none

I'm zooa's grandson.i love your site Nana

Tammy - 02/22/99 04:58:23
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~jersgirl/index.html
My Email:Jers_Girl@webtv.net

What a beautiful page. I think this page is gonna be wonderful. Lve your links too. Thank you so much for sharing it.8-) Tammy

Amanda aka redbird77 - 02/21/99 03:54:52
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~rebird77
My Email:redbird77@earthlink.net

Hi...nifty page, took a while to get back to after I went exploring all the links :-).... Glad you liked Nifty Text...Amanda

- 02/19/99 11:00:27


DizzyBzz - 02/17/99 19:16:43
My Email:DizzyBzz@AOL.com

This is a great page Zooa. Keep up the good work.

Brenda - 02/17/99 00:27:25
My Email:Brenda707@webtv.net

Nice job!

donna troisi - 02/15/99 21:51:35
My URL:http://binky1029
My Email:binky1029@ao.com

great page now that i finay got in

HERCILIO HASSE - 02/15/99 16:59:40

Hi, so much things to see, your page is really great, thanks for doing, and share with us. Ciro

louise - 02/14/99 19:50:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Mall/4584
My Email:louloubel@webtv.net

your page is great. keep up the great work and you'll be getting more award's than you know what to do wih them. love ya.

Anne-Marie - 02/14/99 15:40:25
My Email:webbie482@webtv.net

Wow, Margaret ...you did a great job....It is so interesting and has so much to look at....Your visuals are outstanding...and wow your talent is great.So glad you are a great friend, and especially because I know you really , alive , and in person...what a gift....anne-marie

David & Willie - 02/14/99 01:49:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Stonewall/6243/stationery.html
My Email:latindave@webtv.net

Margaret; You have a great Home-Page. We are glad to see all the links to printables pages for us at WebTv. Keep up the good Work. Good Luck, May God Bless You. This Home-Page is Fantastic...

Anne - 02/13/99 18:51:17
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~AnnesPlace/
My Email:AnnesPlace@tripod.net

You have a very nice pg. started here--I like your grandchildren's pictures--what beautiful eyes!~Anne~

ICE-MAN - 02/10/99 22:05:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Meadows/7952/index.html


Sheryl - 02/09/99 02:30:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/square/7434/index2.html
My Email:sheryl@afcon.net

Hi! :-) WOW! You've done a great job so far! Keep up the good work, and I'll be sure to visit often :-)
SoHo Community Leader

Ken - 02/08/99 23:07:34
My URL:http://none
My Email:frostysnow@webtv.net

Hi Margaret, What a wonderful job you did on your pages. l'm going to come back my times. I hope you enjoy your pages as much as I do. love Ken

luise - 02/07/99 12:12:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RodeoDrive/Mall/4584
My Email:louloubel@webtv.net

Hi you have a great page with lot's of useful thing's.i'll be back often. keep up the great work.

kim - 02/07/99 03:06:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/6465
My Email:zuca@webtv.net

wow your page looks great! keep up the good work.

MaryLee - 02/07/99 01:58:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Falls/4104/
My Email:mlmb92@webtv.net

Site looks GREAT. you are doing wonderful job.

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