Attached Mama

Here are some links to our favorite sites. Just click on the name of the site and let the surfing begin!! We hope these sites will be interesting and will allow you to learn a bit more about us!

YAAPS - Yet Another Alternative Parenting Site
If you're looking for like minded parents who are still diverse and very intelligent, this is the place to be!

Mothering Magazine and website/forums, this is a tremendous resource. The magazine is fantastic, but the site and message boards are even better. If you have questions about natural living or positive parenting, this is the place to ask them!

This is the main site for Taking Charge of Your Fertility, a must read fertility book. There are message boards galore, but bear in mind this is not an AP/PP haven. There are a few boards/groups where there is more crunch ;) but many people are fairly mainstream as well. The fertility info is fantastic though. Everyone practicing FAM and giving great advice and support.

La Leche League:
Excellent breastfeeding info. Breastfeeding can be tough at first, but once you get through the first few weeks, it can be a wonderful experience. Check out this website for great FAQ's and solutions to common breastfeeding problems.

101 Reasons to Breastfeed your Baby:
Very interesting, outlines benefits to mother and child.

Homeschooling links:
This site contains various links to other homeschooling sites. All the info you ever wanted about how to/why to/what to teach if you're thinking about homeschooling. Even if you don't homeschool your children per se, you teach your children every day. Check this site out for useful tips!!

Learning Express
An amazing toy site with my favorites, Melissa and Doug. They make fabulous wooden toys.

Natural Babies Everything you need for a truly ecological baby! ;) From cloth dipes to slings, you can find them here. Great customer service and quick shipping!

Escape from Affluenza:
This site is based on the PBS broadcast by the same name. Simple living. Be sure to check this one out - and if you get the chance see the show. It's wonderful!!

Center for the New American Dream
Another site that's full of information. This site contains links with info/tips on how to live more simply and frugally.

Mother Earth News Site for Mother, the best magazine out there for anyone wanting to live off the grid or just make small changes for a better planet. Everything is in this magazine, from gardening organically to how to build a strawbale house. A must-have magazine!

For overall parenting info, check out anything by Dr. Bill Sears. You can pick up his books at pretty much any bookstore and they're wonderful. Full of attachment parenting ideas and info. Please feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions about cloth diapering, attachment parenting or breastfeeding. I'll be glad to point you in the right direction for more info! I'll be adding more parenting links as time goes on, but these should do for now!

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