Attached Mama!



Positive Discipline
Nighttime Parenting
Cloth Diapering



Green Living
Environmental Issues
Simple Living
Natural Living

Mace's Homebirth Story

Parenting Reflections

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Welcome to Attached Mama, a site dedicated to respectful living and parenting.

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I know, I's been a while and it's obvious from the site not much has been updated. I still feel the info provided here is useful and I hope others do too. I'll try to do better in future! In April of 2006 we welcomed the fourth child into our family. Lily entered our lives and nothing has been the same since! Shortly after her birth, it was apparent she has Down syndrome. We had opted out of the tests during pregnancy so this was a total shock to say the least. Those first six months were...well, a blur looking back. At the time it felt like slow motion torture. Very fortunately for us and her, she has had none of the health problems that seem to go hand in hand with Ds. She's amazing and doing really well at this point, learning and doing new things all the time! So, with four kids now, one with special needs and therapies to go along with them, I've not updated the site in a bit. We've also made the move to the country and all that entails. It's been interesting. The kids are taking to it, enjoying frog hunting and catching crawdads in the stream out back, climbing trees..just basically using their imaginations now more than ever. I tried my hand at gardening, and it was apparent that this was my first try :) I'm anxious to do better next year. I'm planning many things..growing lavendar and making soaps, getting a few chickens, finally getting that compost bin built lol So I'll try to update here as a I can...but.. If you want a closer look at my life (it's not all that interesting! lol) you can still catch me at my blog Better Than Ice Cream. For now, I've updated the Positive Discipline page and added more info on weaning to the Breastfeeding page. There are now links on the Cloth Diapering page. I've finally added the Nighttime Parenting page and the Birth section to the Pregnancy/Birth page.
I would like to add more birth stories or just overall, more info and personal experiences with any of the topics on the site. So if you'd like to share, please email me!

Who is an attached mama? Any woman who's attached to her children, her family, her planet and her ideals. A woman who's not afraid to be different, to be who she is. A strong woman with a strong attachment.
I'm Cheryl, attached mama to two wonderful kids, and attached to my beliefs about positive parenting, breastfeeding, nurturing and educating our children and protecting and enhancing our planet. This site was born three and a half years ago after the birth of our second child. I wanted to offer support and information to all those parents out there who are following their instincts, and to those parents who wish they were.

This site is dedicated to respect. Respect for our kids, ourselves and our planet. I offer up a sampling of important issues I feel are intrinsic to true happiness.

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since updates June, 2004

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