Dogz pic


Welcome to our doghouse on the web! We are a group of adult puppy raisers for Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. Most of us raised with 4-H and started our own group after our kids grew up. The problem was we couldn't give up puppyraising! We have been able to fill a niche in our area for those who want to raise pups and don't have kids in 4-H.

During the year with our pups, we socialize them in various businesses and locations. We meet every Tuesday evening except for the first week of the month. This is when our fearless leaders meet to sift through our monthly reports (or stand in front of the mailbox waiting for mine!).

Check out our most recent big outing! That night the Minnesota Twins AAA ball club, the Salt Lake Buzz, really went to the dogs!

Additional puppy raising links: Sherri's campsite on the web.

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This Puppyraiser/Service Dog Ring site is owned by Sherri L. Burns.

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