I found a true,forever friend
the day that i found You,
And Lord,I can't give thanks enough
for all the things You do.
You shower me with blessings,
not a day am i without....
The things i am in need of;
There's no reason i should doubt.
When days are dark and dreary,
and my spirits are bought low,
You give words of peace and comfort
to my body,mind,and soul.
When i stumble by the wayside;
when i've surely lost my way,
Lovingly,You take my hand,
that i shall not be led astray.
Through trials and tribulations,
when my faith is growing weak,
You renew my hope and courage,
for it's Your stength that i seek.
When dangers lurk about me,
as the enemy draws near,
Safety in Your arms awaits me,
there dispelling dread and fear.
Blessed am i,tho'so unworthy,
to have found a friend so true.
Greater love could no man offer;
no one cares for me like You.
(Poem by Diana Sue Heimer)