Iowa became the 29th state in 1846. The state capitol building in Des Moines was dedicated in 1884.
State Bird is the Eastern Goldfinch.
Official Tree is the Oak.
Official Flower is the Wild Rose.
Iowa has 2 million acres of forest land.
Iowa ranks 30th amoung states in population.Population is 2,842,000
Iowas has 86,000 acres of lakes and 19,000 miles of fishing streams.
Iowa has over 1000 landmark locations listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Iowa has 3 state universities and 41 independent colleges and universities. We have 15 community colleges on 29 campuses.
Our State Motto: "Our liberties we prize, and our rights we will maintain."
Our State Rock is the Geode. Geode means "earthlike"
I've found many geodes around Iowa.
A single Iowa farm family grows enough food and fiber to feed 279 people.
Iowa Ranks 1st in pork production. We are 1st in corn production,and grain production.We are 2nd in soybean production.
1/4 of america's pork comes from Iowa.4% of the nations grain-fed beef come from Iowa.
Call 1-800-345-IOWA for free map,camping & outdoor guide,travelguide or calendar of events. Be sure to specify!
Remember to refresh the page as i add links quite often!
Burlington,Ia.-Baseball Team!!
Ft.Madison,Farmington, and Western Ia. Railroad Museum
Update....7/00...Now isn't this just so neat? You can actually watch Iowa Corn Grow...8^)
An actual live Cam in an Iowa Corn Field!
New Link I found! 4/04...Lady in Iowa makes the coolest cakes,including an Iowa Corn! Go visit her wonderful site!